What Is Pomodoro Technique & How It Can Help To Rocket Your Productivity?


The Key Is To Work Smarter, Not Harder! As the saying goes, “It’s not the number of hours you put into work, but it’s the amount of work you put in those hours.”

If you agree with me and are looking for different measures to become more productive, then the Pomodoro technique is the one to rely on. This would not only help surpass the distractions but would assist you in getting things done in a short span of time, alongside frequent breaks.

If you haven’t heard about the Pomodoro technique before, then know it’s absolutely worth learning and it can significantly help you to become more efficient.

What Exactly Is Pomodoro Technique?

Invented in the late ‘80s by Francisco Cirillo, Pomodoro (named after the Italian word for Tomato) is a means to study more efficiently. The originator used a tomato-shaped kitchen timer and forced himself to study exactly for twenty-five minutes & then take a break for five minutes. And it worked!

The idea is to take frequent breaks which helps your mind to stay fresh. All you need to do is break down your time into short bursts of twenty-five minutes along with five minutes break after each session. Each 25-minute work block is called Pomodoro & once you complete four Pomodoro’s, there comes a time to take a long break of 15-20 minutes before starting everything over again.

The Pomodoro technique might take a few days to gel with most people, but once you get used to it, you’ll know that it’s a great way to manage your busy schedule.

The following Pomodoro Apps are a reliable way to keep track of your work & observe how your productivity increases each day!

pomodoro technique

Top 12 Pomodoro Timer Applications To Try In 2022

There are plenty of options to choose from. We have compiled the Best Pomodoro Timer Apps that possess simplified time-tracking along with more features that are available for Web, Windows, macOS, Android & iOS platforms.

1. Focus Booster

An ideal Pomodoro Timer app for someone who works with multiple clients!

What Makes Focus Booster Stand Out?

Focus Booster is oriented towards freelancers and agency owners who work with multiple clients. It automatically records your sessions and provides a detailed report on the basis of utilized time, tasks completed, and clients handled on your timesheet.

Availability: Windows/macOS/Android/iOS/Web

Product Rating: 4/5

Best For:  Professionals & Freelancers

Download Focus Booster

Focus Booster

2. Marinara Timer

Useful Tomato Timer Service for teams looking to complete tasks at a given time.

What Makes Marinara Timer Stand Out?

This Pomodoro timer website doesn’t even require a sign-up to use the service. Like the default technique, Marinara Timers lets you get started with the 25/5-minute timers. Though you can customize it according to your choice. Interestingly, it gives a specific URL for each timer, so if you want, you can share your progress with your friends or colleagues.

Availability: Web

Product Rating: 3/5

Best For: Teams

Download Marinara Timer

Marinara Timer

3. Be Focused

Interesting task & time management application designed for Apple users.

What Makes Be Focused Stand Out?

The best Pomodoro app, Be Focused, helps accomplish a daily to-do list under the Pomodoro time management technique. You can set tasks based on the priorities and start your timer to get going with the work. With it, you can track your progress weekly, monthly or yearly with the help of comprehensive reports. The Pomodoro timer app allows you to sync all your data across all devices. It even supports 3D touch!

Availability: iOS/macOS

Product Rating: 4.5/5

Best For:  Professionals

Download Be Focused

Be Focused

4. Engross

A perfect Pomodoro technique app, if you want to find when you’re most productive.

What Makes Engross Stand Out?

Similar to other Pomodoro timer apps, Engross lets you combine your to-do list with time management techniques. But what makes it stand out is its Distraction Tracking feature. Every time you think you’re getting distracted during a Pomodoro, just tap the screen. The application will track the number of distraction buttons & show you complete reports on what times you were best able to focus.

Availability: Android

Product Rating: 4/5

Best For:  Building personal productivity schedules

Download Engross


5. Pomodairo

Best Pomodoro app to help you categorize your tasks in the most efficient way!

What Makes Pomodairo Stand Out?

Pomodairo is cross-platform & all thanks to Adobe Air underpinning. Hence, it is easy to sync between desktops you work. It proffers a dedicated timer as well as other tools to manage interruptions. The app gives a detailed report at the end of each day giving you entire statistics to check completed tasks & how many interruptions you went through in the entire day.  Its handy stopwatch can help you a lot to boost productivity.

Availability: Windows, macOS & Linux

Product Rating: 3.5/5

Best For:  Professionals working with Adobe

Download Pomodairo


6. Pomodoro Tracker

A straightforward Pomodoro app to customize timers & work your way through different realistic objectives.

What Makes Pomodoro Tracker Stand Out?

A convenient & free Pomodoro tracker that lets you compile your to-do list & set daily goals & even give you opportunities to compete & set records with other productive people around the world. For instance, Pomodoro Tracker shows you a daily/monthly record of 226 hours that measures 333 Pomodoros. Can you beat it?

Availability: macOS/Web

Product Rating: 3/5

Best For: Beginners

Download Pomodoro Tracker

Pomodoro Tracker

7. Toggl

The best Pomodoro app to cater to the needs of business consultants, freelancers & project managers.

What Makes Toggle Stand Out?

Toggle is a well-known name in the category of most effective Pomodoro applications. Features a simple yet detailed dashboard, Toggl has a mini timer that floats around the screen & has a task name with Start/Stop button. The Pomodoro timer gets automatically stopped when the set interval is completed.

Availability: Windows/macOS/Android/iOS/Web

Product Rating: 3.5/5

Best For: Both Beginners & Professionals

Download Toggl


8. Timerdoro

An ideal Pomodoro app for someone who needs multiple timers! 

What Makes Timerdoro Stand Out?

If you wish to customize your Pomodoro lengths based on the tasks, Timerdoro is the right solution. The Pomodoro web service lets you create a plethora of timers to accomplish throughout the day. Once you have created an account with Timerdoro, you can save the same timers for everyday use.

Availability: Web

Product Rating: 4/5

Best For: Planning & getting reminders to complete multiple tasks in a day!

Download Timerdoro


9. Tomighty

A plain & simple desktop Pomodoro app that gives easy access to your timer via taskbar!

What Makes Tomighty Stand Out?

Tomighty can be accessed with start & stop buttons via keyboard shortcuts. You can easily customize the app with different themes, sounds & multiple languages. To start using Tomighty, all you have to do is choose a task that you would like to complete > Set the Pomodoro for 25 minutes > Work on the task until the tomato timer rings > Put the checkmark on the first-timer > Take a break. Remember, every four complete Pomodoros calls for longer break.

Availability: Windows, Linux, and macOS

Product Rating: 3.5/5

Best For:  Simple task & time management on desktops!

Download Tomighty


10. PomoDone

Best Pomodoro technique app, if you want to integrate it with other task management apps.

What Makes Pomodone Stand Out?

Pomodone shines in the category with the ability to connect through API, to a number of project management apps including Trello, Slack, Asana and more. The application allows you to import your projects & you can use it to work distraction-free.

Availability: Windows/macOS/Linux/Android/iOS/Web

Product Rating: 4/5

Best For:  Teams & other Professionals

Download PomoDone


11. Scheduler: Productively Timer

Create one-click shortcuts on the home screen for repetitive & daily tasks with Scheduler!

What Makes Scheduler Stand Out?

Unlike other Pomodoro timer apps, Scheduler allows users to create and save multiple Pomodoros of different tasks. You can even color-code all the tasks, set reminders & notification sounds for each. Hence, you can have complete control over the workflow & you can draw meaningful conclusions for your work process.

Availability: Android

Product Rating: 4/5

Best For:  Motivating you to complete Pomodoros

Download Scheduler: Productivity Timer


Scheduler Productively Timer

12. Clockwork Tomato

An all-in-one time management application with a timer, clock and & an activity log!

What Makes Clockwork Tomato Stand Out?

Clockwork Tomato is an ideal application for students who wish to break down the study hours into 25-minute slices, separated with short breaks. It’s easy to customize the interface with a plethora of colors, sounds & more. It’s a built-in timer & activity log helps you observe the number of Pomodoros & breaks you have taken in each day. It offers a beautiful widget as well that comes with Wear OS integration.

Availability: Android

Product Rating: 3/5

Best For:  Students

Download Clockwork Tomato

Clockwork Tomato

Bonus App: Social Fever

No, it doesn’t help you to track Pomodoro Times. But it can certainly be of great help to limit your phone usage, so you do not hamper your personal or professional life. Rather, you can focus on something more productive. Social Fever is a dedicated Android application to help you consciously reduce unproductive screen time, set daily goals, monitor app usage, set water reminders. Additionally, it also takes care of your eye/ear health and does much more for boosting your productivity! Set daily reminders for tracking the phone usage, several locks and unlocks, individual application usage time, earphone use, screen time, etc. The special additions such as drinking water reminders,  spending quality time with near ones, and engaging in other activities. 

So, here’s to taking a smartphone vacation and improving efficiency with Social Fever! Read the complete review here to find out how to use Social Fever. Try it now –

Social Fever


In essence, all these Pomodoro Timer Apps help you in focusing on doing all your tasks promptly.  You can rely on any of the aforementioned apps to get organized and stay productive throughout!

Additional Information:

Pomodoro Technique Official Website

How To Stop Procrastinating and Focus: Guide To Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique: Is It Right To Boost Productivity?

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