How To Fix The “Your Clock Is Ahead/Behind” Error In Chrome For Windows?

Have you ever used Chrome and received the “Your clock is ahead/behind” error message? The issue typically arises when your device’s date and time are incorrectly set. Some potential causes to the error are – A faulty CMOS battery, visiting an unsecured website, choosing the wrong time zone or area, interference from the browser cache, and malware infection.

Here are a few remedies that can be helpful if this problem prevents you from accessing particular websites or web pages.

Also Read: How To Solve ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED Chrome Error

Methods To Fix The “Your Clock Is Ahead/Behind” Error In Chrome For Windows

Get ready to access websites without any issues!

Method 1: Check The System Date And Time

The first step is to check and modify  the date and time of your PC. Check the date and time your computer displays in the bottom-right corner of your screen. You should change the settings if they don’t correspond to the actual date and time. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Press Windows + I to open the Settings window.

Step 2: Click on Time & Language in the left panel.

Time & Language

Step 3: Click on Date & Time in the right section.

Date & Time

Step 4: Ensure that the toggle button near Set Time Automatically is enabled.

Step 5: Check the Time Zone.

Step 6: Finally click on Sync Now button under Additional Settings. This will sync your PC time with Time.Windows.Com.

Also Read: FIX: Chrome Not Allowed to Load Local Resource Error on Windows 11

Method 2: Check The Website On A Different Device or Browser

Different Device or Browser

There might be a possibility that the website you wish to navigate to might be risky or malicious. It is recommended to verify if the website opens normally on another device.. You could also try an alternate browser on the same PC if the Chrome specific error persists. If the website works fine on any alternate browser then we need to reset the cache of Chrome as explained in the next method.

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Method 3: Clear The Cache & Cookies On The Chrome Browser

Although Cookies and Cache are helpful for enhancing your browsing experience, when they accumulate over time, it rather slows down the Chrome browser and cause unknown and unexpected errors. Hence it is recommended to clear the cache and cookies after some time. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Open the Chrome browser and click on the Hamburger menu in the top left corner.

Step 2: Click on More Tools from the drop-down menu and select Clear Browsing Data. You also press Ctrl+ Shift + Delete when the Chrome browser is open and active window.

clean brows data

Step 3: A new box will open where you can select the time range and select the checkbox next to Cookies.

clean Cookies

Step 4: Now check the box next to Cached Images and Files.

clean data

Step 5: Press the Clear Data button at the right bottom corner.

Also Read: How To Fix ERR_CACHE_MISS Error On Chrome?

Method 4: Run An Antivirus Scan

T9 Antivirus

The final step to fix the “Your clock is ahead or behind” error is to scan your PC for viruses and malware. You may use any antivirus software you like but if you ask us then we recommend T9 antivirus which is a real-time antivirus.

This amazing app identifies different types of malware and protects your PC at all times. It also allows users to manage the startup apps that may slow down the overall boot time of your PC. Additionally, it offers a free ad blocker, Stop All Ads, that will enhance your browsing experience by automatically blocking those bombarding ads and pop-ups.

Also Read: How to Fix NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID Error on Chrome?

Method 5: Change The CMOS Battery Of Your PC

The motherboard of your device has a little battery called the CMOS battery. Even when your computer is turned off, it is responsible for recording the  date, time, and other information. If the time and date settings appear to “change by themselves,” your CMOS battery is probably defective and has to be changed. If you lack technical knowledge, identifying and replacing the CMOS battery can be challenging. Take your gadget to a repair shop if you’re not sure how to complete this step.

Also Read: How to Fix Chrome’s “Failed – Virus Detected” Error On Windows PC

The Final Word On How To Fix The “Your Clock Is Ahead/Behind” Error In Chrome For Windows

The “Your Clock Is Ahead/Behind” error indicates that your date and time settings are incorrect. Now that you understand the cause of Chrome’s issue and how to fix it, dealing with it should hopefully be easier for you.

Please let us know in the comments below if you have any questions or recommendations. We would be delighted to provide you with a resolution. We frequently publish advice, tricks, and solutions to common tech-related problems. You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Flipboard, and Pinterest.

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