How To Check Your System Uptime On Windows 11

You may wish to check your computer’s uptime in order to keep an eye on its performance. While diagnosing your computer or doing routine maintenance, this information might also be useful. A number of options are available on your Windows 11 computer to check the device’s uptime. Let’s go over each one individually.

How To Check Your Device Uptime On Windows 11

Method 1: Finding System Uptime Using Task Manager

Windows Task Manager is a sophisticated application that offers helpful details about the hardware and software on your PC. Here’s how to use it to determine the uptime of your computer.

Step 1: Launch the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc on your keyboard.

Step 2: Click CPU under the Performance tab.

Step 3: Locate the Up Time section and you will find the device’s uptime.

Task Manager

Also Read: Task Manager not Working on Windows 11? Here’s the Fix!

Method 2: Finding System Uptime Using Settings

The steps to find the Device’s Uptime On Windows 11 using the Settings app are:

Step 1: To open the Settings app, press Win + I.

Step 2: From the left panel, choose the Network & Internet tab.

Step 3: Choose Advanced network settings options.

Step 4: Check the uptime indicated next to Duration by clicking the active network adapter under the Network adapters section.

Advanced network settings

Note: Keep in mind that this method shows the uptime of your network adapter. So, if you reset your network connection after launch, the information provided might not be valid.

Also Read: How To Enable Or Disable Quick Settings On Windows 11 Computer?

Method 3: Finding System Uptime Using Control Panel

In Windows 11, you can find your device’s uptime through the traditional Control Panel. Use these steps to accomplish this:

Step 1: Press Win + S to open the Search Box.

Step 2: Type Control Panel and click on the first option under Best Match.

Step 3: Use the drop-down menu in the top right corner of the Control Panel window to switch to the Large Icons view type.

Step 4: Choose Network and Sharing Center.

Step 5: In the left pane, click Change adapter settings.

Step 6: Choose Status by performing a right-click on the active network adapter.

Step 7: You can find the uptime next to Duration in the General tab.

Network and Sharing Center

Also Read: How To Fix Control Panel Not Opening In Windows 11/10 PC | Top 8 Tested Solutions

Method 4: Finding System Uptime Using Command Prompt

If you’re an experienced Windows user, you can also check your computer’s uptime using Command Prompt. This is how:

Step 1: Press Win + R to open the RUN box and type “CMD”.

Step 2: Press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER to open the command prompt in elevated mode.

Step 3: Type the following command and press Enter.

systeminfo | find “System Boot Time”

Command Prompt

The time your machine started working should be displayed in Command Prompt after you run the aforementioned command. By deducting the system boot time from the current time, you can quickly compute the system uptime.

Also Read: How to Install Apps from Command Prompt or PowerShell

Method 5: Finding System Uptime Using PowerShell

Another command-line tool accessible on Windows is PowerShell. To determine your device’s uptime via PowerShell, follow these instructions.

Step 1: To access the search menu, click the magnifying glass icon in the taskbar or press Win + S.

Step 2: Type Windows PowerShell, then hit Enter.

Step 3: Press Enter after pasting the following command into the PowerShell window.

(get-date) - (gcim Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime

windows powershell

Step 4: Since the device is turned on, PowerShell ought to show the duration in days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.

Also Read: How to Update Powershell on Windows 11

The Final Word On How To Check Your Device Uptime On Windows 11?

Finding the uptime of your Windows 11 PC is relatively easy. Any of the approaches outlined above can be used to locate such data. Your computer’s overall uptime might not be a reliable indicator of how much time you spend using it.

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