How Can I Make Flashcards In Microsoft Word Or Google Docs

Make Flashcards In Microsoft Word Or Google Docs

Okay, so the next time you are preparing yourself for exams or learning lines for a skit or studying up, give yourself a portable way to review on the go by creating flashcards!

Flashcards are undoubtedly one of the most interesting ways to remember facts. Whether you’re learning a new language, memorizing points for office presentations or any other subject which you need to keep in mind in small points, Flashcards are wonderful tools for that purpose!

Although writing each small point by hand can certainly be very time consuming, so why not take the help of Microsoft Word or Google Docs to make your Flashcards without any hassles?

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PART 1 – Learn How To Create Your Flashcards Using MS Word?

Making flashcards for alphabets or complete lines is super easy using Microsoft Word. Just use the templates, print them out & they are ready to use. Additionally, if you are satisfied with your Flashcard design, you can even save it as a template for further use.

Note: The method is applicable for MS Word 2019, MS Word 2016 & Office 365.

STEP 1- Launch Microsoft Word on your system. You can look for this most popular tool using the Search box.

STEP 2-Now create a bank document.

STEP 3- Head towards the Layout tab. From here, you can resize the page in a proper flashcard size. For a perfect orientation, from the same tab, you have to select the Size “4 X 6”.

Learn How To Create Your Flashcards Using MS Word

STEP 4- Nowselect Landscape or Portrait layout. You can also choose a size that works best according to your needs & requirements.

STEP 5- Once you are done selecting a perfect size for your printable flashcards. The next step is to start typing the text you need for flashcards.

STEP 6- To create a new flashcard, you just need to press CTRL + Enter. Type the required text!

You can further navigate to Design tab, where you can beautify your flashcards with ease. Here you can apply a new theme, apply your favorite color & effects to personalize your Flashcard.

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PART 2 – How To Make Flashcards Using Envelopes & Labels Printing Settings In MS Word?

Well, here’s another quick way that can help you create flashcards for alphabets or other purposes. Follow the step by step procedure to start the process:

STEP 1- Open MS Word on your device & create a Blank Document again.

STEP 2- Head towards the Mailing tab, you can locate it between References and Review tabs.

STEP 3- From the mailing tab, you have to choose the Label option.

STEP 4- As soon as you click the Labels button, a quick window will appear in front of your screen. Choose the Labels tab again & click on the Options button, located at the bottom of the window.

STEP 5- Choose Index Cards option from the drop-down options.

How To Make Flashcards Using Envelopes & Labels Printing Settings In MS Word

You can even customize the size of the Index card using the measurement options given at the right-hand side.

PART 3 – Alternative Way To Make Flashcards: Download Flashcard Templates Online

Well, in case you are not able to use the MS Word properly, or your Word app is not responding. Here’s a quick way to create Flashcards for alphabets or any other purpose.

STEP 1- You have to visit the Microsoft Template page. You can click here to get redirected!

STEP 2- On the Microsoft Flashcard Template page, you can explore plenty of good-looking designs. You can find Flashcards for Recipes, General Notes, Double-Sided Flashcards, Daily Task Sheets, Presentation Notes, 1-Minute Timer Slide, Thank You Card and many more.

STEP 3- Just download the ones that fulfill your needs.

Download Flashcard Templates Online

STEP 4- Open the desired Flashcard in MS Word & start altering it according to your convenience.

Save it & get it Printed out the usual way!

Also Read: Google Docs: How Does It Fare Against Archival MS Word?

PART 4 – Learn How To Make Flashcards On Google Docs?

Well, the procedure is quite similar to what you did in Word app to create Flashcards of your own. You can follow the steps below in Google Docs.

STEP 1- Go to your Google Drive & begin by creating a blank document.

STEP 2- Now, click on the Insert tab & choose to add a table.

STEP 3- Drag the table borders carefully to make them bigger. So, you can write text in the boxes in a proper way.

STEP 4- You can even add your favorite images & format the content according to your preferences to beautify your Flashcards.

Learn How To Make Flashcards On Google Docs

Here you don’t need to save anything manually. Everything is saved automatically while working on Google Docs. So, download the designed Flashcards & get it printed like the usual way!

PART 5 – Alternative Way To Make Flashcards Using Google Spreadsheets

Follow the step by step procedure to make flashcards using Google Sheets:

STEP 1- To start the process, click on & go ahead creating a new spreadsheet.

STEP 2- Now hit Unsaved Spreadsheet right next to Google Docs logo. You can also press CTRL + S or Command + S) to give the new spreadsheet a descriptive name of our choice.

STEP 3- Type all of your terms or alphabets on one column (For ex: Column A) & rest of the lines or definitions in the next column (For ex: Column B).

STEP 4- Next, you have to save the file in CSV file format. To do so: Click on File > Download as > Comma Separated Values (.CSV, current sheet) option.

 Alternative Way To Make Flashcards Using Google Spreadsheets

STEP 5- Go to the website, login & start creating new sets. You can give a descriptive name & save it.

STEP 6- Click on the Import button to add your CSV file, once your file is uploaded, Save it successfully!

 Alternative Way To Make Flashcards Using Google Spreadsheets

That’s all!

All your flashcards are ready to use!

Also Read: How To Insert PDF Into Word, Excel, Google Doc & Embed PDF In HTML

Quick Tip: These methods can be beneficial for teachers/tutors to create flashcards on their own without spending much time on creating them manually.


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