How to Recover iCloud Account Without Losing Any Data (2023)

What is iCloud Account Recovery and How to Recover Your Account Without Losing Any Data

iCloud Account Recovery was created to assist you in securely retrieving your account without losing any data. Certain information cannot be recovered by the Account Recovery service due to privacy issues. However, you can add someone as a recovery contact or create a recovery key   to retrieve all of your data. You can then reset your password and regain your account using a recovery key. Forthe account recovery to operate, all devices signed in with your Apple ID must be running the most recent version of iOS or macOS.

Most of your data can be restored using the iCloud Data Recovery Service, including backups,  photos, videos, notes, and reminders.

Note: Information that cannot be recovered includes those bits and pieces that are encrypted end-to-end, such as your Health data, Screen Time, and Keychain.

How to Recover iCloud Account Without Losing Any Data

Let us dive into the world of what is iCloud account recovery and how to recover iCloud files.

How To Add Account Recovery Contacts On The iOS Devices? (2023)

From your iOS device’s Apple ID settings, you can add an account recovery contact by following these steps:

Step 1: Tap on your profile in the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.


Step 2:  Select Password & Security.

Password & Security

Step 3:  Select Account Recovery.

Account Recovery

Step 4:  To continue, select Add Recovery Contact and then tap on the Add Recovery Contact button.

Add Recovery

Step 5: To sign in, type your Apple ID password. Then, to add an account recovery contact, follow the steps displayed on the screen.

How To Add Account Recovery Contacts On Mac? (2023)

Follow the instructions carefully to successfully get back your contacts.

Step 1: Go to your Mac’s System Preferences.

Step 2: Select Apple ID.

Apple ID

Step 3: Select Password & Security.

Password & Security

Step 4: Next, select Edit next to Account Recovery.

Account Recovery

Step 5: Now, in the iCloud Data Recovery Service Section, click the “+” button.

iCloud Data Recovery-

Step 6: Finally, select Add Recovery Contact and follow the on-screen prompts to add trusted account recovery contacts.

Add Recovery Contact

You might want to read: How to Delete Duplicate iCloud Contacts? 

How to Make an iPhone Account Recovery Key? (2023)

Follow the step-by-step instructions to create your iPhone Account Recovery key.

Step 1:Tap on your profile in the Settings app.

Step 2: Select Password & Security.

Password & Security

Step 3: Select Account Recovery.

Account Recovery

Step 4: Turn on the switch after tapping on the Recovery Key. Select the Use Recovery Key option and then follow the onscreen instructions.

Recovery Key option

How to Make an Account Recovery Key on a Mac? (2023)

Follow the step-by-step instructions to create your iPhone Account Recovery key on your MacBook.

Step 1: Go to System Preferences on your Mac.

Step 2: Select Apple ID.

Step 3: Select Password & Security.

Password & Security

Step 4: Next, select Edit next to Account Recovery.

Account Recovery

Step 5: To create an account recovery key for your iCloud account, click Edit next to Recovery Key and follow the on-screen instructions.

Recovery Key

Writer’s Recommendation: Right Backup – An Amazing App To Backup Your Files

Right Backup

Right Backup is a cloud backup tool that allows users to back up their files and save them on a cloud server. Remember that backing up your files is different from moving them to the cloud because backing up stores the file’s location as well as its path. When you restore a file from a backup, it will appear in the same position as when it was originally posted. The following are some of the key elements of Right Backup:

Categorized Backup: Right Backup organizes all of your files into several categories, making it simple to back up certain file types.

Backup from Several Devices: Depending on the storage capacity, Right Backup allows users to back up data from multiple devices to a single centralized account.

Supports Different Platforms: One of the most essential characteristics of Right Backup is that it works with Windows, iOS, and Android devices. This means that a user can back up their data from any device using the same account.

Large Files Can Be Backed Up. As long as you have purchased enough space on the Right Backup cloud server, there are no limitations on the size of files that can be uploaded.

Restore Anywhere. If you’re signed in to the same account as Right Backup, you can restore backup files from one device to another. This function allows you to keep essential files online and access your account from any device, allowing you to download them at any time.


Wrap Up: What is iCloud Account Recovery & How to Recover Your Account Without Losing Any Data

That concludes our discussion. Hopefully, you won’t be cursing yourself for forgetting your Apple ID password in the future. Recovering your account should never be a problem now that you have a fairly safe and reliable account recovery function at your disposal. By the way, double-check that your Apple ID phone number is correct, and if it isn’t, you can easily replace it. We also suggest that you use a reliable password manager like TweakPass to keep all of your passwords safe and easily accessible.

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