What To Do If You Cannot Open EXE Files On Windows?

On Windows systems, EXE files are most frequently used for software installation and execution. The inability to run your EXE files puts you in a catch-22 situation where you can neither run software nor add a new application. Fortunately, just like other Windows errors, the issues with your EXE files can be resolved in a number of different ways. So let’s look at all the solutions right away.

Also Read: Windows Sandbox: A Simple Solution to Run .exe Files on Windows 10

How To Get EXE Files Working On Your PC?

The actual reason for the EXE file faults is unknown, as is the case with the majority of Windows errors. To get things working again, though, we can make reasonable estimates and then attempt a variety of various approaches. So let’s begin with the simplest way that will enable you to reopen your EXE files.

Method 1: Reboot Your Computer

Reboot Your Computer

The first solution you need to try is the simplest of all. You need to restart your computer which will free up the RAM and set things right for you. After a reboot, you can check if the exe file is working properly.

Also Read: How To Fix The Explorer.exe Application Error On Windows 11/10

Method 2: Modify The File Associations

Correcting any improper file associations in some of your files should allow your EXE files to open and function normally once more. It’s not as difficult as you think. Here is how to get going:

Step 1: Make a right click on any executable file and select Open With from the context menu.

Step 2: Next, click on Choose Another App option.

Step 3: Then, click on More Apps. Also, remember to checkmark the box next to “Always use this app to open EXE files”.

Step 4: Now, choose Windows Explorer or Windows Command Processor.

Method 3: Make Changes In The Windows Registry Editor

The Registry Editor is a powerful tool that can help users make changes on their Windows PC. Here are the steps that you need to follow:

Step 1: Press Win + R to open the RUN box.

RUN box

Step 2: Type “regedit” and then press the OK button to open the Windows Registry Editor.

Step 3: Navigate to the below-mentioned path:


Step 4: Scroll down in the left pane and locate “.exe”.

Step 5: Click on it and look in the right pane.


Step 6: Double click on the “Default” key on the right side and a new box will open.

Step 7: Type “exefile” under the Value data and click on OK.

Step 8: Now copy and paste the below-mentioned path into the address bar of the Windows Registry Editor.


Step 9: Next, click on Command in the left panel and double click on Default in the right side.

Step 10: Set the value under Value Data as  “%1” %*.

Step 11: Click on OK and restart your computer.

Also Read: How To See Recently Opened Files On Windows PC

Method 4: Conduct A Malware Scan

Conduct A Malware Scan

Malware can cause a lot of anomalies on your computer. A simple way would be to run a malware scan and check if any nasty computer bugs are present in your system. We recommend using T9 Antivirus software that performs a real-time scan on your PC keeping it protected at all times. Other than detecting and eliminating viruses and malware, the T9 Antivirus can help perform other activities to keep your PC safe like:

Exploit Security. T9 Antivirus employs a technique that is frequently disregarded to help shield systems from malware that infects devices through exploits.

Firewall Protection. Before any possible harm is done, prevent malicious software or attackers from accessing the network and data.

Web security. In order to stop people from visiting phishing websites, it encrypts both incoming and outgoing traffic.

Launch Manager. With the Startup Manager module, infected startup items and programs that slow down the system can be quickly found and eliminated.

A Software Updater. Keep your PC’s software updated to solve security issues in broken and obsolete programs.

PC Optimizer And Shredder. Delete unneeded and superfluous files from your computer to improve load times. Use Shredder to totally destroy sensitive data and make it unrecoverable for the utmost privacy and security.

Disable Ads. Nobody enjoys seeing those intrusive and unpleasant web advertising. Use the Stop All Ads browser extension to block these obnoxious ads.

Also Read: How To Fix Error Code 0xc00d6d6f While Opening Media Files on Windows 11/10

The Final Word On What To Do If You Cannot Open EXE Files On Windows?

It can be annoying to receive a “can’t open this type of file” error notice. However, if you use the procedures mentioned above, you’d be more than likely to permanently eliminate this problem. As a final resort, we advise a full Factory reset on the off chance that the issues continue.

Please let us know in the comments below if you have any questions or recommendations. We would be delighted to provide you with a resolution. We frequently publish advice, tricks, and solutions to common tech-related problems. You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Flipboard, and Pinterest.

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