How To Fix SSD Not Showing Up On Windows 10 [SOLVED]

Sometimes, Windows 10 computer users face a complex problem where the installed SSD drive doesn’t show up in the PC menu or in the Windows File Explorer. Don’t worry; we are here to help out and fix the problem.

How To Fix SSD Not Showing Up On Windows 10

Let’s see all the case issues and determine how the SSD Not Showing Up issue can be resolved for Windows 10 users.

I. SSD Not Showing Up – Because Drive Letter Is Missing

When you create a partition on a drive or even try to rename any part of it, you must ensure that the letter assigned to that drive does not conflict with that of another, and is not invalid. Two drives assigned the same letter will cause the Windows 10 OS not to recognize the new one. In such a scenario, you can always assign a new letter to the drive and get the issue fixed.

Step 1: Right-click on Start Button and select Disk Management.

SSD Not Showing Up

Step 2: Right-click on the disk partition, which is not showing up on the computer.

Step 3: Select Change Drive Letter and Paths.

Change Drive Letter and Paths.

Step 4: In a new small pop-up, head to the Change tab.

Change tab

Step 5: Assign a new letter to the drive and save changes.

Assign a new letter

Restart PC and check.

Read More: How To Recover Data From Formatted Hard Drive 2020

II. SSD Not Showing Up – Because the SSD is Not Initialized

It is a possibility that the new SSD is not showing up because the disk drive has not been initialized. This sometimes also results in an error – Disk Unknown or not Initialized.

In both such situations, you must head to the disk management and initialize the concerned disk drive.

Step 1: Open Disk Management just like we did in the first case.

Step 2: Right-click on the SSD partition that’s not showing up. The disk will be marked as “Not Initialized”.

Step 3: Select the Initialize Disk.

Step 4: In the new dialog box, select the preferred partition style and click on OK.

Note. The partition styles, Master Boot Record (MBT) works with all previous versions of the Windows, whereas, the older Windows 10 OS versions may not recognize GUID Partition Table (GPT).

Read More: How To Fix External Hard Drive Not Showing In Windows

Read More: The Best Hard Drive Health Check Software For Windows

III. SSD Not Showing Up – Because of Disk Driver Issues

It is highly possible that the SSD is not showing up in the explorer or this PC because of an issue associated with disk drivers. You must regularly update these drivers to avoid any potential issue of such kind.

Drivers can be updated the old-school way from the Windows 10 Device Manager; however, you can always use Advanced Driver Updater.

Advanced Driver Updater is an automatic driver updater tool that scans and downloads/installs all available driver updates in a single click.

Step 1: Open Advanced Driver Updater.

Step 2: Scan for driver updates.

Scan for driver updates

Step 3: Mark and select the driver updates found (if any).

Step 4: Let the driver update the process, run, and finish.

Step 5: Click on Update All. The button won’t be a highlight in case there is no update available.

Click on Update All

Step 6: Restart the PC for the driver updates to take effect.

Read More: Oops! l Accidentally Deleted A Hard Drive Partition On Windows 10! Now What?


SSD or any other storage media can get faulty or suffer a malfunction. Like every other electronic equipment, SSD drives can also fail, and that can result in loss of data. Unless the drive has undergone significant hardware damage, you can always recover the lost data for this try using Advanced Disk Recovery. Nonetheless, outdated and corrupt drivers also create problems hence, keeping them updated is a must. For this use the best driver updater tool Advanced Driver Updater that helps detect and update outdated, corrupt drivers in just a few clicks.

We hope we were able to help you out with the information. If you have any query, do let us know in the comment section below. Keep visiting WeTheGeek for more such tech-related guides and reviews.


  • comment_avtar
    This is some really good info but I have run into a case where the SSD was recognized in the “device manager” and the “disk management”. I have formatted this SSD and checked that the drivers in device manager are up to date but still it does not appear when clicking on “Computer.”

    4 years ago
  • comment_avtar
    wl lee
    I have the same issue too

    4 years ago

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