How To Reinstall Graphics Driver In Windows 10 PC [2023]

What Is A Graphics Card And A Graphics Driver?

Graphics card is responsible for the function of media on your computer. Be it an image, video, or game streaming on your device; everything is recognized with the help of the GPU in your system.

GPU or Graphics Processing Unit is a chip on the computer to make calculations at a quick speed to render an image. The graphic processing components are located on a separate chip and are called graphics card. The graphics driver is the software whose work is to communicate between the graphics card and the operating system of the computer.

If your graphics card is not functioning correctly, it could cause trouble while playing games and watching videos. Therefore, you might need to reinstall the drivers to make it up and running. However, before reinstalling the driver, you could try to fix the graphics card issue by updating the graphics card.

Reasons Why You Face To Issues In Graphics Card

Graphics card driver might not work due to various reasons. It could be because you have updated your PC to Windows 10 & therefore, unable to play media or games on your computer. This happens as the system is unable to find the missing updates of the graphics driver or just that the graphics driver in Windows 10 went corrupt.

Let’s begin with finding out how this problem can be fixed. Below we have provided two ways: One is by updating the graphics card, and another one is Reinstalling graphics card, the last resort.

2 Ways To Reinstall Graphics Driver In Windows 10 Computer

Method 1: Update Graphics Card

Update Automatically

Therefore we recommend you use Advanced Driver Updater to get the automatic updates for all drivers in your entire system. It will help you to keep the communication between the devices with the operating system flowing without interruption. If Windows 10 is not able to update the Graphics driver, this tool will work wonders by performing the function.

Advanced Driver Updater can perform these tasks-

  • Scan for all the drivers present on your computer.
  • Update the outdated device drivers.
  • Search for missing drivers.
  • Get updates from the manufacturer websites for the current version of the device drivers.
  • Download the latest update for the Drivers.
  • Install the device drivers.

To get the Advanced Driver updater, click on the download button below and install it on your system.

Once the tool is successfully installed, you will see a quick run and the Device Drivers status appears.

Advanced Driver Updater

You can run the Full scan by clicking on Start Scan Now, which shows a detailed list. And now you need to do is click on Update All and this fixes all the kinds of device driver issues.

Once you see the status changing to All Device drivers up to date for your System, you need to restart the computer. Now you will see that Windows is not having any trouble streaming media or playing games.

Advanced Driver Updater 1

You can sort all Graphics driver related issues with the help of Advanced Driver Updater.

Update Manually

Once we have established that the Graphics card is not working, we locate it and try to make an update. To do so, we need to follow the instructions below:

Step 1: Open Start menu and type Device Manager in the search box, open it.

Device Manager

Step 2: Check the list, go to Display Adapters. Click on it to check the name of Graphics Card of your system.

Display Adapters

Step 3:   From the options shown in the prompt box, select Update Driver.

Device Manager update graphics driver

Step 4: On the next screen, click Search automatically for updated driver software.

It takes a few minutes to update the Graphics Driver.

Note: If Windows fails to find a new driver, you can visit the device manufacturer’s website & follow instructions on it.

This gives Windows a chance to look for all the missing drivers when it boots. As it is a usual process for the operating system to search for the missing Graphics Driver and install it.

If this does fix the problem for you, then the Windows update is not able to locate the latest version for the Graphics driver. As all the Graphics card manufacturers keep launching updates on their websites. You can try and get and update manually from the website or try another method.

Method 2: Uninstall and Reinstall Graphics Driver.

We proceed with the process to uninstall the Graphics Card in Windows 10.

Step 1: Open the Start menu, and type Device Manager and press enter to open.

Step 2: Locate Graphics Card and right-click on it to show options.

Step 3: Click on Uninstall driver.

Device Maanger Graphics driver uninstall

Step 4: You need to restart the computer to apply the changes.

Now, we will begin with the reinstall Graphics Driver. So, this is the manual method to install Graphics drivers on Windows 10, but it can be cumbersome.

Wrapping Up :

It is an easy procedure to uninstall and reinstall Graphics Driver in Windows 10. If you want to try it manually, you can first start with updates. Later if this does not fix the issues caused by Graphics Driver, you can reinstall the Graphics driver. It makes finding drivers process easy as not everyone is great at finding for all the details of the Graphics card manufacturers. Use the software Advanced Driver updater, which is great at this work and gives results.


  • comment_avtar
    When uninstalling the the Graphics card, should I “Delete the driver software for this device”? Thanks.

    4 years ago

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