For Android

8 Best Bullet Journal Apps For Your Personal BuJo (Android/iOS)

Bullet journals are known within people having an affair with their pen and diary where they can write about their day in bullet points, make a to-do list for the next day or find how their mood is. These bullet journals also act as mood, sleep or period trackers, and mostly able to keep your life organized.

BuJo or Bullet Journals have surely kept people’s live aligned for a long time, but technology has grasped a whole lot of time for many. It becomes a wise decision to keep bullet journal apps on their phone if time doesn’t allow you to open your diary every night. You can choose to unlock your phone, note the tracking habits using bullet journal apps and finally keep your life manageable. It is also not easy for everyone to maintain a hard cover diary, hence let’s explore some of the best bullet journal apps below.

What else can be done with bullet journals?

Best Bullet Journal Apps

1. Trello

Organize your work and personal life while maintaining a balance between the two using Trello. It is a visual tool that is customizable and flexible as and when needed. You can put your imagination in here and get the most fruitful results by the end of month, year or long term plans.

Download: Android | iPhone

2. Asana

BuJos are not for you alone, especially when the whole team wants to keep track of project management. Asana is one such bullet journal app which is capable of connecting all the team members or employees where they can share tasks, progress, notifications, and report.

Download: Android | iPhone

3. 1 Second Everyday

If writing is not so cool with you, try out making video journals for keeping track of your life’s moments. This awesome bullet journal app helps in making a video diary so that you can note a memorable time and save them for yourself. Forget social media here; do it for yourself.

Download: Android | iPhone

4. Evernote

Want to focus on specific tasks in life? Give a chance to this digital bullet journal app where you can input your typed notes, as well as scan the handwritten notes, images, web pages, audio and they, can be searched instantly anytime needed. Set reminders, memos, and plan events like parties, weddings or holidays.

Download: Android | iPhone

5. Momento

Relive your part of the story once again only when the moments are captured using an app bullet journal, Momento. One can add notes, photos, videos, audio, people, place, and tags to collect your memories finally.

Download: iPhone

 6. Grid Diary

From planning goals to achieve your goals, Gris Diary is the apt and good bullet journal app for today. There is a unique grid format where one can keep things simple and even guide you if you have no idea what to do with a journal. It also acts as a powerful sleep tracker, period tracker, and mood tracker bullet journal along.

Download: Android | iPhone

7. Wunderlist

While you are looking for a smart daily planner, Wunderlist is where you wish to end your search. You could have any purpose for this day, make a to-do list and assign yourself some tasks. Moreover, this bullet journal app can switch between various platforms like phone, computer or tablet.

BuJo To End My Day!

Bullet journaling has a high impact on all those who have religiously followed them, on a physical, mental, professional and financial basis. It is all because the followers could talk to themselves before they sleep, take the right decision for themselves and find what is going on in their life in a detailed manner. We believe that you can even use these bullet journal apps for such purposes.

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