Author bio

Sarang Bhargava

Sarang Bhargava

Sarang is an avid tech- blogger who loves to pour his heart out in form of words. The very thought of exploring new things especially from the tech domain fascinates him. When not writing you can find him either immersed in his own thoughts, taking a nap, listening to music or devouring on books, movies or even topics for his next blog.

Best Free Adobe Apps For Android and iOS (2024)

Adobe isn’t just confined to the boundaries of Mac or Windows computers, instead, it extends its prowess to Android and iOS devices as well. Whether its leading PDF reader i.e. Adobe Acrobat Reader or photo editing tool, Photoshop, you ar...


How To Fix WhatsApp Web Copy Paste Text Not Working

Consider this - Let’s say you have two different numbers on which you use WhatsApp. Since you do most of your work-related tasks from your  PC, you decided that instead of using WhatsApp on your phone, you’ll access one WhatsApp accoun...


Can’t Play Recorded Videos On Your PC? Try These Fixes

Sometimes there’s just no better way to capture a moment than to record a video. Whether it’s capturing candid moments on your smartphone or camera or screen recording meetings or lectures via a screen recording utility, there are sever...


How To Watch Any Movie From Anywhere

As a fan of James Wan movies and DC, we were intrigued to watch Aquaman. However, all our happiness was dashed when we discovered that Aquaman was unavailable in our place of residence. However, we didn’t let this dishearten us. We figure...


How To Add Images to PDF – Best Tips

You are going to sit for an exam for which you are required to fill out an online PDF form and you are also required to paste your photo. What would you do? Print the form, paste the photograph, rescan the PDF, and then upload it. Or, would...


Best File Rename Tools for Windows 11/10

Renaming Windows files in bulk is a tedious process. To be honest, if you are short on time and still have to organize files, you can’t go about renaming files manually. That’s where you need a dedicated file renamer software. Such tool...


How To Recover Lost or Deleted PSP Files

Imagine you have been saving your progress in Mortal Kombat X, God of War, League of Legends, etc, or have saved some video or audio files. And, one day, due to some reason it's all gone. Your years of legacy, and years of content (some of ...

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