How To Fix Windows Error 0x80040154 When Opening Apps?

When certain problems occur, Windows has a system that assigns specific error codes . Users will be able to troubleshoot problems with the operating system more easily as a result of this. Today we are going to discuss the problem 0x80040154, which occurs when attempting to launch apps in Windows 10 or 11,  This issue seems to occur when users attempt to activate specific Windows apps on their PCs, such as Outlook, Mail, Cortana, Calendar, the Microsoft Edge browser, and many other apps. Some users claim that the 0x80040154 error only appears when they attempt to download/install the new system updates. The Microsoft Store functionality also seems to have been affected by this error 0x80040154 after a Windows update.

0x80040154 windows update

How To Fix Windows Error 0x80040154 When Opening Apps?

As a result, there is no uniform solution that would apply to everyone who is impacted. The error is usually caused by bugs, corrupted cookies and caches, or damaged files, among other things. We’ve looked into the problem and come up with a few ideas that may be of use to you. 

Method 1: Microsoft Store Troubleshooter

We strongly advise to initiate with the inbuilt troubleshooter when dealing with Windows Store App issues — they are simple to use and can occasionally assist you fix the 0x80040154 error while trying to launch apps.

Step 1: In Windows search, type troubleshoot and press Enter.

Step 2: Select Additional Troubleshooters on the right panel of the window.

0x80040154 chrome

Step 3: Select Windows Store Apps after scroll down a bit..

Step 4: Click Run the troubleshooter button  to see if there are any issues.

0x80040154 windows update

Step 5: Wait until the scan is complete and the fixes have been applied.

Method 2: Reset Microsoft Store

If the troubleshooter method did not help, try resetting the Store by following the steps below:

Step 1: Using the Win + R keyboard shortcut, open Run.

Step 2: Type the command wsreset.exe followed by the Enter key.

0x80040154 outlook

Step 3: After you’ve finished, wait a few moments and then restart your computer.

Step 4: Now press Win + S to open the search box and type Microsoft Store.

Method 3: Delete Files in Data Store

In Windows 10, the DataStore folder holds temporary files and LOG files related to Windows updates and update history. Delete the folder contents by using the following steps:

Step 1: Using the Win+E open File Explorer and paste the following path.


Step 2: Hit the Enter key on the keyboard.


Step 3: Select and delete all files and folders in the DataStore folder.

Method 4: Update Windows

Some individuals who experienced the problem were said to be running obsolete OS versions. As a result, double-check that all Windows updates are installed:

Step 1: In the Windows search box, type Updates and press Enter.


Step 2: Click Check for updates in the new window.

0x80040154 chrome

Step 3: Wait for the updates to be installed.

Step 4: Make sure you install all optional updates as well.

Step 5: Reboot your computer.

Method 5: Rename Comms Folder

Renaming the Comms folder through File Explorer in the AppData location, according to several customers, helped them resolve the problem.

Step 1: To open File Explorer, press Win + E.

Step 2: At the top of the page, click the View tab.

Step 3: Select the checkbox for Hidden Items.

Step 4: Next, go to the following address:



Step 5: Rename the Comms folder by right-clicking on it.

Step 6: After that, rename it to Comms.old and reboot your PC.

Method 6: Use DISM

Step 1: In the Windows search box, type cmd.

Step 2: Select Run as administrator from the context menu when you right-click on Command Prompt.

0x80040154 outlook

Step 3: Click Yes when the User Account Control popup appears.

Step 4: Press Enter after entering the following command:

sfc /scannow 

Step 5: After the SFC scan is finished, use the commands below, pressing Enter after each one:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

0x80040154 windows update

Bonus Tip: Use Advanced System Optimizer to Clean Cache & Temp Files.

Advanced System Optimizer is an amazing application that removes all temp and junk files. It also optimizes your PC and fixes minor issues. This must-have has a ton of modules and here are a few important ones:

0x80040154 outlook

Registry Cleaning and Optimization: ASO cleans and optimizes the Windows Registry, ensuring smooth PC performance and reducing Registry size.

Disk Optimizer: The Disk Optimizer frees up space on your computer by eliminating stuff that is no longer needed.

Windows Optimizer: This program optimizes your computer and frees up RAM and memory, allowing you to play games uninterrupted.

Malware Protection: Advanced System Optimizer has a strong engine that defends your computer in real-time against Malware, Spyware, and Trojans.

Privacy Optimizer: It also safeguards critical information and deletes surfing history.

Advanced System Optimizer also updates drivers and assists with the removal of starting items and software uninstallation.

The Final Word On How To Fix Windows Error 0x80040154 When Opening Apps?

The above methods will help you fix the Windows error 0x80040154 easily and swiftly. You can try using Advanced System Optimizer first and run a scan to detect and clean all unwanted files that might clear any clogging on your PC. This method has automatically resolved many issues.

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