
How to Recover Deleted Firefox Browsing History

The final spritzer

Are you looking for ways to recover your deleted browsing history in Firefox? Even the most cautious and diligent of Internet users can occasionally make a mistake when browsing online and accidentally delete a web page or its associated cache. This could be especially frustrating if you were using that particular site for work, school, or another important activity. But don’t panic! There are many ways to recover deleted Firefox history.

This article covers three different methods to recover lost browsing history in Firefox, each one with its pros and cons. Depending on your specific situation and tolerance for risk, one of these solutions will likely be a better fit than the others. Read on to learn more about recovering deleted Firefox browsing history!

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Ways To Recover Deleted Firefox History

If you know what to do, recovering wiped internet browsing history can be simple. Many users delete their browsing history frequently to maintain their privacy or clean their browser’s history folder regularly. However, some of us make mistakes from time to time and can’t find our browsing history anymore.

Perhaps you didn’t want anyone else to find out what websites you visited yesterday or simply forgot where it was stored on your computer. Whatever the reason, if this happens to you, read on and find out how to recover your deleted browsing history in Firefox.

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So with all that said, let’s get started.

Method 1. Recover Deleted Firefox History by Using Cookies

Using Cookies is an effective way to retrieve online history. An internet cookie is a little text document that is saved in your web browser. They keep your user data to serve better the sites you visited. While some of us think that they’re spying mechanisms, in most cases they preserve your account information and surfing patterns, making it simpler for you to access websites again. If you can access your browser’s cookies and can use them, you’re halfway to retrieving your deleted browser history.

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Method 2: Via index.dat File

There is a backup of your Firefox history, so even if you accidentally delete it, you won’t lose it forever. If you’re wondering where Firefox’s browsing history is kept, the Firefox browsing history is kept in secret index.dat files. You can look for backups there and restore them. To recover, follow these steps:

Method 3: By Using DNS Cache

For this technique to function, the computer cannot be turned off. You cannot, however, recover Firefox history using the DNS cache when you restart your computer after turning it off. Follow the steps:

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To Wrap It Up

So, that is how you can quickly recover deleted Firefox history on your PC. Give these methods a try and let us know which one worked for you. Depending on your specific situation and tolerance for risk, one of these solutions will likely be a better fit than the others. Also, if you know of any other methods for recovering the Firefox browsing history then let us know in the comments below. You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Flipboard, and Pinterest.

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