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How To Reactivate Instagram Account After Deactivating It

Done with scrolling endlessly on Instagram? Want to connect back with real life? Have you deactivated the Instagram account already? If you are feeling this, nothing is wrong. Social media can make you feel secluded and could have a negativ...


How To Install & Watch Twitch On Roku

Twitch is an amazing live video streaming platform for all the gamers out there. Initially, it focused entirely on video games, that let pro gamers stream their gameplay and amateurs to watch those videos. But since its inception, it has ex...

For iPhone

How To Use, Read And Write NFC Tags In iOS 13

With the latest versions of smartphones, NFC is the feature that can help in transferring information from one phone to another. NFC is an abbreviation of Near Field Communication. It is a wireless connection that can be used to transfer in...


How To Use Google Docs For Voice Typing

Every one of us wants to explore new options to make our daily routine more productive. Google Docs is one of the tools which is popular among millions of users. But you know, there is an option of Voice To Text in Google Docs which will...

For iPhone

How Can You Edit and Unskew Your Favorite Photos on iPhone

Getting a perfect picture in one go - is merely luck by chance. On top of that, we want every aspect in the picture just as effective and flawless as we thought it should have been. After clicking so many pictures, we find one which looks w...

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