How to Fix OneDrive Error Code 0x800c0005 on Windows 10

Did you encounter the OneDrive error code 0x800c0005 on your Windows 10 device? Well, this error usually displays an error message stating “Your PC isn’t connected to the Internet”.

How to Fix OneDrive Error Code 0x800c0005

So, before you start blaming your Internet connection for this error, here’s something you need to know. This error has got to do nothing with the Internet or your network. Error code 0x800c0005 occurs when there’s a conflict in account settings, or when the Windows firewall is temporarily blocking a specific operation from running on your device.

Also, if you use OneDrive and “OneDrive for Business” on the same machine, you may encounter this error due to conflict issues of app permissions. OneDrive is a useful Microsoft service that offers us a personal storage space where we can store our stuff on a secure cloud location. Sharing, collaborating files across various devices becomes simple, accessing OneDrive. So, you sure don’t want to be stuck with this error code message forever, right?

How to Fix OneDrive Error Code 0x800c0005


Wondering how to resolve OneDrive Error Code 0x800c0005? Here are a few useful solutions that will allow you to troubleshoot this issue on your Windows 10 device.

How to Fix OneDrive Error Code 0x800c0005 on Windows 10

Let’s get started.

Solution #1: Review Account Settings

As we mentioned earlier, this error code message usually takes place when there’s a conflict in account settings. So, firstly, check your OneDrive account settings to know whether you’re using a personal account or business. When you try to run OneDrive Business account and Personal account on the same machine, you might face the “Your PC isn’t connected to the Internet” error message on the screen.

Solution #2: Disable the Firewall

To temporarily disable Windows Firewall, follow these quick steps:

Launch Start menu search box, type “Firewall” and select the “Firewall and Network Protection” system setting option from the search suggestions.

If the Firewall is enabled, the current settings would appear somewhat like this for the Domain, Private and Public network. (Refer below snapshot).

Disable the Firewall

Tap on the “Domain Network” option.

Domain Network

In the Domain Network window, toggle off the “Windows Defender Firewall” option.

Sign-out your Microsoft account, reboot your device to check whether the error code issue has been resolved by disabling the Firewall.

Solution #3: Disable the Proxy

If your device is connected on any proxy network, then make sure you try disabling it once to fix the OneDrive error code 0x800c0005 issue on your Windows 10 machine. To disable the proxy, here’s what you need to do:

Tap Windows + R key combination to fire up the Run dialog box.

Type “Regedit” in the text box and hit enter to launch the Registry Editor.

Disable the Proxy

In the Registry Editor window, navigate to this location:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

Once you have reached this location, right-click anywhere on the right menu pane, tap on “New” and then select the “DWORD” option from the context menu.

OneDrive Error Code 0x800c0005

Open the file which you recently created and name it as “Enable Auto Proxy Result Cache”. Also, set the numeric value as 0, save your changes and then close the Registry Editor window.

OneDrive Error Code 0x800c0005

Following these steps mentioned above will disable the proxy if your device was connected to it.

Here were a few useful solutions that will resolve the OneDrive error code 0x800c0005 on your Windows 10 PC. Good luck!

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