
How to Change the Color Theme of Chrome’s Incognito Mode

Summary – Bored of the dark theme in incognito tabs on Chrome? If you are looking for a quick solution to change incognito color themes on Chrome, read about these useful extensions for Chrome in this post.

As the competition increases, web browsers strive to include as many functions as possible to improve the user experience. In terms of add-ons and cross-platform synchronization, Google Chrome excels in the race. With the Incognito mode, it ensures that no records of your browser history are preserved, which is very helpful for those who are worried about their privacy. One drawback of the Google Chrome Incognito mode is that it is limited to dark theme. Some people find it troubling particularly if their device is set to a dark theme. They are unable to differentiate between regular and incognito tabs as a result.

Therefore, we bring you a solution in this post. You can now choose from a multiple number of exciting themes as Google Chrome offers to lighten your browsing experience.

Quick solution – 

This article helps choose amongst the many colorful color themes. But if you are looking for a speedy solution, here is one. Go to the Chrome Web Store and download – Material Incognito Light Theme. This will help you enjoy the light theme on incognito against the default dark theme which can enhance productivity.


Before changing the default Google Chrome Incognito mode color theme, user must enable a Chrome flag. To enable to Chrome flag:

  1. Type chrome://flags in the address bar of Google Chrome and then press Enter.
  2. Google Chrome will present you the list of all the Google Chrome flags, here search for Custom-drawn Windows 10 Title bar.
  3. Click on the drop-down menu present next to it and click on the Enabled option.

Best Themes To Change The Default Google Chrome Incognito Mode Color Theme:

Continue reading the article to know the different themes to change the Google Chrome Incognito Mode Color Theme.

1. Material Incognito Light Theme:

This color theme majorly emphasizes on the Google Chrome default incognito color scheme. It is an open-source theme that uses light color scheme to distinguish itself from the default color theme of the incognito mode which is dark in color.

Simply apply the theme and the light color themed incognito mode will amaze you.


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2. Material Classic Blue Theme:

The material classic blue theme presents the old classic Google Chrome look. This theme has the default color type as blue and really adds on to the old look of Google Chrome.

If you are bored seeing the dark colored incognito mode, this blue colored theme will soothe you.


3. Green Turf:

If you are a nature lover, Green Turf is the best theme you can apply. Green Turk color theme give users the feel of e lush green environment.

When applied, incognito mode changes its color to green and has a dark green title bar.


4. Summer Holidays:

If you want a theme that makes you feel relaxed, Summer Holidays is the best option for you. Summer Holidays is the perfect fit when you want to keep yourself out of any stress and simply enjoy the clear sky.

Simply relax and enjoy private browsing with a pinch of blue on the title bar.


5. Slinky Glamour:

Slinky Glamour is the best theme for you if you don’t like loud themes and prefer to keep it minimalistic. It is perfect balance of a light pink color and is not at all loud.

When applied, the tab color changes to a faint pink color that is extremely soothing.


Conclusion –

If you are bored with the default incognito mode color theme and want some change, now you know how to change it. But before you move ahead with downloading these Chrome extensions from the Chrome Web Store, make sure of enabling the necessary Chrome flags. In this curated list, we have suggested to you the best of the Incognito color theme changing extensions. We suggest trying them all to choose the one that suits you best.

So, guys if you are bored with the default incognito mode color theme and want some change, this article is the best place to choose amongst the many colorful color themes. Read the complete article to get an idea about them and choose the one that suits you best.

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