Your Step By Step Guide To Forward Or Open Ports On Your Router

Step By Step Guide To Forward Or Open Ports On Your Router

By default, your router blocks all the incoming connections (into your network) and allows all the outgoing connections to the Internet to maintain ultimate security. Just imagine your router as a huge electric wall, with a few doors & openings. Your router acts as a security blanket or shield from the digital world. It arrives with preconfigured doors (ports) that allow you to access the Internet while keeping other ports tightly closed so that no unauthorized access is possible on your home or business network.

But, in case you need to run a specific mail server, game server, program, application, or access PC remotely (anything outside your network), you might need to open an extra port in your router for the outside traffic to get inside.

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How To Open Ports On Your Router?

Since some of the utilities and games only work if you open a specific port, here are the steps you need to follow to set up Port forwarding on your router.

STEP 1- The very first step to start opening ports on a router is by assigning the device a static IP Address and keep a note of what your Public IP Address is.

(Note: A static or fixed IP Address is an IP Address, which is manually configured for a particular device instead of the address assigned by a DHCP server. It’s known as Static because it doesn’t change compared to the dynamic ones’ which do change.) 

How To Assign Static IP Address To Your Device?

Follow the instructions below to set up a Windows PC to use a static IP Address:

  • Identify which IP Address your device is currently running.
  • Launch Command Prompt.
  • Type the command: ipconfig /all & hit the Enter button.
  • Make a note of the following: IPv4 Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway & DNS Servers.

How To Open Ports On Your Router

  • Using the aforementioned data, you can easily set up the static IP Address.
  • Launch the Run App at this point & type ncpa.cpl, and press the Enter button to open Network Connections.
  • From the next window, locate and right-click on the connection that has the same name as the one you saw in Command Prompt. (For instance, Ethernet1)
  • Go to its Properties and navigate to the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and go to its Properties.

How To Open Ports On Your Router

  • Click on the ‘Use the following IP Address’ section.
  • At this point, you need to carefully paste all the details which you copied from the CMD window in the 4th point.

How To Open Ports On Your Router

  • Hit the OK button to save the changes!

STEP 2- The entire Port forwarding process depends on the brand of router you are using. The basic steps include: Locating your Router’s IP Address.

How to Find the Router’s IP Address?

On Windows: 

  • Launch Command Prompt.
  • Execute the command line: ipconfig
  • Locate Default Gateway entry. That’s where you can find your router’s IP Address.

On Mac: 

  • Navigate to the TCP/IP tab and locate Router. That’s where you can find your router’s IP Address. 

STEP 3- Navigating to your Router’s Settings.

STEP 4- Entering your username and password.

STEP 5- Once you get in, simply head towards the Port Forwarding tab and open the preferred port. For example: On the Port Forwarding page, you need to enter the name for your device then enter the port you need to forward in the port field. You just need to type open port 7070.

STEP 6- Now select the TCP/UDP or Both option under Protocol if you are unsure which protocol you are using. At this point, enter the internal IP Address of the device you are port forwarding to and hit the Apply or Save button to implement the changes.

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Now How Do I Check If ‘Opening Ports On Your Router’ Is Successful?

You can simply navigate to the online portal and enter the Port number you have recently forwarded. Click on the Check Your Port button to see the final result. Now, you should be able to connect to the device through a web browser. You need to enter the hostname followed by the Port number into the Address bar!

Alternate Way To Open Ports On Your Router 

Multiple VPN services simply help users to avoid the hassle of setting up port forwarding manually. For assistance, you can use a service like PureVPN that offers a Port Forwarding Add-On that allows users to make secure communication with any device or server.

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Overall Best VPN Service – Systweak VPN

Looking for a reliable & fast VPN Solution for Windows? Choose none-other than Systweak VPN that offers an excellent way to hide IP Address and give capabilities to browse the web anonymously. The secure VPN Service allows unrestricted access to popular streaming sites like Netflix and others. To know why Systweak VPN is the smartest choice in the market, refer to the infographic below:


systweak VPN

And with this, we’ve come to the end of our guide! Hopefully, you can easily open ports on your router. If you know any other way for port forwarding, please shoot your ways in the comments section below!




  • comment_avtar
    Gajendra singh
    I am using Systweak VPN for a very long time and it is the best

    4 years ago
  • comment_avtar
    Paridhi Dhamani
    thanks for the sharing… Now, I can open ports on my system

    4 years ago

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