Utilities & Tools

We’ll help you figure out which software & apps are best for your everyday digital needs for your computer, smartphones & other devices.

Top 10

Best Language Learning Apps On iOS Devices

Imagine moving into a new city, starting your life afresh. You walk down to the corner deli and not being able to communicate how you would like your sandwich. Or if you are visiting a foreign country on a vacation and fall sick, and unfort...

For Android

How To Get Reminders On Social Media Apps To Limit Usage

The entire landscape of social media apps is changing aggressively. New platforms are emerging now and then, and it’s changing the way people perceive or choose a preference over one. Just look at the declining use of Facebook over Instag...


How to Access Your PC From iOS and Android

Our bulky computers are gradually being replaced by pocket size smartphones since we can do almost everything with smartphones without ever accessing our computers. But till date we cannot deny the fact that computers are not completely rep...

For Android

20 Best Free Equalizer Apps for Android and iPhone

The smartphone revolution has made everything easier, especially when it comes to music. Now we can access our favorite tracks, almost anywhere, and enjoy an on the go audio experience on our devices. We’re sure your smartphone must be lo...

duplicate files

How To Keep Your Google Drive Duplicate Free?

Google Drive is undoubtedly one of the most famous & reliable cloud storage solutions available to save important photos, videos, archives, documents & other multimedia files. It provides a significant amount of space for around 15 ...

download managers

How To Spot Fake Torrent File Downloads

There are a lot of ways to disguise and victimize people. On such Method is faking a torrent link in order to steal Information and get monetary benefits. There are some signs to look out for which proves that a torrent file is fake. [ca...

Software & apps

10 Best Drawing & Illustration Software

Do you remember the time, when you used to draw pictures of your family or landscape using those crayons?? And then showing it to your parents and friends, so that they can hang your achievement on walls!! Those were the days. But now techn...

duplicate files

How To Find Duplicate Videos On Windows And Mac

Everyone likes capturing memories in the form of photos and videos. But only very few know how to keep them organized. So, if you are amongst those who are having problems managing videos and pictures on Mac and Windows, here we are.  I...

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