Author bio

Dheeraj Manghnani

Dheeraj Manghnani

Dheeraj Manghnani likes to read and write about latest technological developments that make life simpler in today's intricate world. He has been fascinated by technology since he got his first computer and is on a never ending quest to know more and share his knowledge with others.

How To Use GPS Settings To Identify Duplicate Photos

“A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words”. I am sure you have seen this quote many times as it means an image can express more than words. But did you know that a picture also has private and confidential information hidden away? I am re...


How To Add Comments To A PDF File

Everyone reads books and novels in electronic PDF format. An e-book is typically too long to read in a single sitting. In PDF documents, we need to use a comment to indicate something important, like when reading a real book. When reading ...


How To Insert Blank Pages In Your PDF

A PDF file is a closed file that cannot be edited or undergo any changes without special tools. One such tool is Adobe Acrobat, which is a bit expensive. However, some other tools can help you make minor changes to your PDF file. One suc...


How Cybercriminals Attack Companies Without Using Malware

Every business requires trustworthy security against cyberattacks, but it's crucial to remember that antivirus software is not a savior. Most attacks on businesses are brought on by user mistakes, such as when a worker starts a macro, click...


How to Check a Folder’s Storage Usage in Windows 11

You may find out which folders on your PC use the most drive space by looking at a folder's storage utilization. By removing applications and eliminating (or even compressing) files from your largest folders, you can shrink them once you'v...


How to Prevent Data Corruption in Windows PC

Nothing is more upsetting than learning that one of your most valuable or critical files has been corrupted. Additionally, there's a potential that corruption on Windows will impact you more than once if you don't know how to tackle it. Thi...


How To Mirror An Image On Windows PC

If you want to flip an image or mirror it, doing so is effortless. You do not require a professional and expensive application like Adobe Photoshop. Mirroring an image involves flipping the image horizontally or vertically, depending on you...


How To Fix Stray Not Launching On Windows PC

The amazing adventure game Stray is here at last! You can play as a cat through a lost and forgotten town. Even though players appreciate this adventure game, some have complained that Stray won't launch or crash. There are a few remedies f...


Why Should You Use A VPN While Traveling

Your perfect trip might quickly become a nightmare if you are hacked while on vacation. Imagine being abroad and being unable to use your computer or bank account. There are several benefits to using a VPN while traveling, even if you can a...


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