Author bio

Dheeraj Manghnani

Dheeraj Manghnani

Dheeraj Manghnani likes to read and write about latest technological developments that make life simpler in today's intricate world. He has been fascinated by technology since he got his first computer and is on a never ending quest to know more and share his knowledge with others.

How To Fix The Cycle: Frontier Crashing on PC

The Cycle: Frontier, released on June 8, 2022, quickly draws a large player base. However, some players claimed that the game kept crashing on PC. Don't worry if The Cycle: Frontier keeps lagging, freezing, crashing, or won't launch. You ca...


How To Reset Quick Access Pinned Folders In Windows 10

Many of the features in Windows 10 are aimed at enhancing productivity, but few of them do. Among these is the Quick Access feature. It can be found on the left side of the Explorer window and contains folders that Windows presumes you'll r...


How To Fix WhatsApp Desktop Not Opening Issue

To keep all critical messages and notifications in one location, use WhatsApp Desktop. Additionally, it increases productivity since you don't have to worry about missing something or check your phone continuously. Since its 2016 release, t...


How to Add Custom Borders to Captured Screenshots in Windows

In Windows 10 and 11, you can snap screenshots in various ways. However, unless enabled, your pictures often do not feature bordered edges. If you add borders, your screenshots will have sharper outlines on websites and documents. This is h...


How to Protect Yourself From Social Engineering Online

A prevalent cybercrime on social media platforms is social engineering. It is a strategy in which a malicious actor attacks on people's social media profiles and collects personal data that they later use to assume their identity elsewhere....


How To Choose the Best Screen Recording Software

Gaming enthusiasts, streamers, webcast makers, and participants, among others, now have much easier lives thanks to screen-recording technology. You can choose to share or keep the output of these screen-capturing apps, which simplify the p...


How To Make A PDF Non-Editable Using Advanced PDF Manager

When documents were accessed from other computers or printed, they would lose design-related information due to compatibility and accessibility problems. This is why the PDF format was developed. But as time passed, this format became safer...


How To Fix the Speech Diagnostic Calibrate Error On Windows PC

Windows' Speech Diagnostic Calibrate issue prohibits the microphone from identifying and capturing the user's speech. The code 0x80004003 frequently accompanies this problem. However, it offers little insight into the possible circumstances...


How to Solve Battlefield 4 Not Launching on PC

Since its release, Battlefield 4 has undoubtedly become a popular video game. According to numerous gamers, Battlefield 4's PC release is reportedly not happening. Don't worry if you're having the same problem. You can try the remedies list...


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