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Anuj Jain

Anuj Jain

Anuj is a content writer for WeTheGeek and being from an engineering background, likes to get more in-depth with technology and gadgets. He likes playing video games and reading in his free time.

How To Fix Blue Screen Of Death Error Or BSOD Error In Windows 10

Microsoft Windows is one of the most trusted, safe and secure operating system. But, as we all know, nothing comes with perfection. Same is the case with Microsoft Windows, you might have noticed a blue screen randomly appearing on your scr...


How to Buy Products from Any US Online Stores to Any Country

Unlike what Hollywood believes, the world doesn’t comprise entirely of US citizens, which makes it difficult for non-US citizen to buy products from USA. So, it’s a challenge to order the stuff that you need from US based stores such as...


5 Classic Sega Games Coming On Nintendo Switch This Summer

Nintendo Switch is on the rise, as it has brought back the era of games we missed in our childhood. We all have played Sega video games in our childhood. The most iconic games built by and developed by Sega, which ruled the 16-bit era, is n...


6 Best NVIDIA Control Panel Settings For Windows

There are times when we want to change our default settings to the ones we want, to improve the graphic representation and performance of our system. Today, in this article, we well be talking about some of the best NVIDIA Control Panel ...


Top 10 Last Minute Hotel Booking Apps In 2023

Travelling can be really scary and kind of stressful, depending on where you’re flying to, especially foreign countries. It is common for people to make advance bookings for hotels and follow a strict itinerary. However, some people ar...


How to Schedule Automatic Shutdown Timer On Windows 10 & 7

There are situations where most of us have to leave the system on, like when we download Windows updates or download a movie. Think of a situation when you are not at home and the system is left switched on! Well it would waste of electrici...


How to Fix Outlook Error 0x800ccc0f

Microsoft Outlook has several bugs and errors that needs to be fixed. But, the most common error is Outlook Error 0x800ccc0f. This error displays the message: ‘The connection to the server was interrupted’. This problem occurs mostly wh...


Steps To Change Your Mac’s Default Applications

The default applications in Mac are easy to use. But, some of the default apps lacks some features that we badly need. Or there are operations that we want to perform but aren’t available in Mac default programs. So, what we can do in suc...


5 Must Play LAN & Multiplayer Games from Last Decade For Desktop

There were times when we used to stick to our systems and played for hours. With multiplayer and LAN games like Counter Strike and Age of Empires, our last decade went amazing. These games made our childhood better and built more practic...

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