
How To Fix Wi-Fi Showing Limited Access In Windows 11

Imagine this scenario – you are trying to get some important work done on your computer, and suddenly you find that your Wi-Fi connection is showing “Limited Access”. Frustrating, isn’t it? This problem can be especially problematic for those who rely heavily on internet connectivity for their work or study. It’s a common issue that can leave you feeling helpless and disconnected from the world. But fear not, because there are several solutions you can try to fix this problem and get back online.

In this article, we will guide you through some simple yet effective steps to fix the limited internet connection issue in Windows 11. So grab a cup of coffee, take a deep breath, and let’s get started on resolving this annoying Wi-Fi showing limited access problem together.

6 Ways To Fix WiFi Showing Limited Access In Windows 11

1. Restart Your Wi-Fi Router

In the event that all devices connected to a network are experiencing limited access, restarting the router is the first thing you should try. To do this, simply power off the router and wait for a minute or two before turning it back on again. This simple step can help to resolve any temporary issues with the router and restore full access to the network.

2. Check Your Data Plan

It’s possible that receiving the “Limited access” message when connecting to your Wi-Fi network on Windows 11 doesn’t necessarily indicate any connectivity problems. Your internet service provider (ISP) could play a role here – if you have a limited data plan and exceed the limit, your Wi-Fi network might show “Limited access” when you attempt to connect. It’s important to be mindful of data caps and monitor your usage to avoid encountering this issue.

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3. Disable & Re-enable The Wi-Fi Router

If the above-listed two steps failed to resolve this problem for you then try disabling and enabling your Wi-Fi router. To do this follow the steps below:

Restart your computer to see if the issue has been resolved.

4. Run Wireless Network Adaptor

If you’re experiencing Wi-Fi connectivity issues on your Windows 11 computer, there are various built-in troubleshooting tools you can utilize to help diagnose and resolve the problem. One of these tools is the network troubleshooter, which can be accessed through your computer’s settings. To use this tool, follow these simple steps:

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5. Turn Off Metered Connection

If you have configured a metered connection on your Windows 11 computer to help manage your data usage, you may encounter the “Limited Access” error message if you’ve reached your data cap. To resolve this issue, you can disable the metered connection if you no longer need to keep track of your data usage. To do so follow the steps below:

6. Reset Network Connection

If you have tried all the above troubleshooting steps but haven’t found any issues with your system settings, resetting your network may help to resolve the problem. By resetting your network, you can clear any existing settings and configurations that may be causing the limited access error. To reset your network, follow the steps below:

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To Wrap This Up

The Limited Access issue in network connection on your Windows 11 computer’s Wi-Fi network can be frustrating and disruptive, but there are various troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve the issue. By following the instructions outlined in this article, you can eliminate the problem for once and all.

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Next Read: Wi-Fi Network Not Showing Up On Windows 11/10, What To Do

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