Why Is Facebook Lite Better That Facebook App Itself?

Facebook Lite app is a lightweight version of the Facebook app. It was first introduced in 2015, and the changes have been made ever since. The Facebook Lite project was initiated from the fundamental module, to build a social media app for people in the worst of internet connectivity. Generally, people tend to think that a Lite version is the original version minus some features. In this case, the Facebook developers did omit a few highlights. Still, they instead focussed on other things like How Facebook functioned, Data requirements, Network Connectivity and optimization of the application.

If you have an excellent internet connected with unlimited Wi-Fi, and a high-end smartphone, then you probably need not worry about Facebook Lite and continue using the official app. But if internet connectivity is somewhat of a challenge, then you must consider Facebook Lite as it will ease conditions for you.

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How is Facebook Lite different from Facebook?


Saves space on the phone. The installation file of the Facebook Lite is only 1.5 MB, and that of the original Facebook app is 55 MB. The difference is enormous.

Works on low internet. Facebook Lite can work under 2G networks up to a certain extent, while Facebook requires nothing less than 4G to function.

No Preloading of content. Unlike Facebook, the Lite version was designed not to preload the media content unless clicked on by the user. This does consume more time of a user as he/she has to wait for photos or videos to load. But at the same time, there is a huge difference in data consumption in both cases.

Autoplay feature limited to Wi-Fi. The standard Facebook app facilitate autoplay of video, which means these videos have been downloaded and will play if the user wishes them to play. However, in the Lite version, this happens only if the device is connected to Wi-Fi.

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Reduced Photo Quality. Facebook Lite provides its user with the ability to choose the photo quality that would be displayed. Users can access Media and Contacts settings and choose low-resolution photos to help reduce data usage.

Difference in Tabs. Both the versions have the same number of tabs like friend requests, messages, videos, News Feed, etc. but the significant difference is that you cannot swipe between different tabs like in the standard app. In the Lite version, you will have to tap each tab and wait until it loads. The time to load depends on your internet connection. With a 4G connection, you won’t feel the difference between both the versions.


User Interface. This is one area where users will see a considerable difference between both the versions of the app. The Facebook Lite version developers have placed the menu and search bar on the top of the screen as compared to the bottom menu placement of the standard version. Overall, the looks are the same, only less bloated.

Text and buttons. The text and buttons have been reduced in size with photos being displayed in a low resolution in the Lite version as compared to the standard version, which shows true colours and appropriate sizes.

Messenger. Like the Facebook standard app, which uses a separate Facebook Messenger app, users using the Lite version are required to download Messenger Lite app on Android and iOS. You can also use the standard Messenger app, but the Lite version occupies less space and resources.

Facebook’s Stickers. These are also available on the Lite version but with reduced options. Users will not be able to access the massive library of GIF, text styles and emoji.

Facebook’s Stickers

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Security and Privacy on Facebook Lite

Facebook has been in the tights earlier for violating the privacy rights of people. Facebook representatives have assured from time to time during press conferences and other events that Security and Privacy of its customer’s information is its topmost priority. However,  doubt remains!

To gather information about the user, it is the user who grants the app individual permissions on his smartphone. Judging by the several permissions required, it seems that both the Facebook versions require the same number of permissions. But, this not means that Facebook Lite is less secure. Both versions have the same security protocols, and it is up to the company on how it maintains its data.

How Do I Download Facebook Lite?

Facebook Lite has initially been for developing countries where users face issues of speed and consistency with the internet. However, it is available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store in all countries now. You can download the app in your smartphone or tab by clicking on the link below.

Download: Facebook Lite for Android

Also Read: How to Use Facebook’s New “Off-Facebook Activity” Feature

Facebook vs. Facebook Lite: The Final Verdict

As I stated in the beginning that if you don’t have internet and smartphone issues, then you probably need not worry about Facebook Lite and continue your life as usual. However, for people who use Facebook as an obligation or are forced to use it for some purpose can switch to Facebook Liteapp as they would be able to view and reply to the messages and save a great deal of space and resources on their smartphone. It is a fact that the best experience of Facebook can only be achieved on the web browser on a computer.

And for those using older or low-end phones with a slower intermittent connection, Facebook Lite app is a blessing in disguise as it would reduce the strain, the effort and frustration of using Facebook App on a slower connection. This is only possible because the developers have optimised the Lite version of Facebook to consume less RAM and space, low CPU resources and data usage as low as possible.

Facebook Lite is an entirely usable app and has no issues reported apart from some users who have claimed that the scrolling is a bit slower than that of the standard Facebook. The other option is to use the web browser to access Facebook.

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