Steps To View Shared Files & Folders in Windows 10

Windows 10 has a wonderful feature which allows you to share files and folders with people on the same or local network. Sharing files and folders could help you conveniently share information among colleagues and friends. If you share a lot of folders and files often, then eventually you might lose count of files shared. However, there is a way to keep a track on what files you share over the course of time.

In this post, we will discuss how you can share files with people and keep track of shared files and folders in Windows 10.

Steps To Share Files With Specific People

To share a folder or a file with people, press Windows and E to get File Explorer. Open File Explorer and navigate to the file that you want to share.

Share Files With Specific People

Right click on the file and select Give access to, and from the followed context menu, select Specific people.

Share Files With Specific People-1

You will get to a new window, you can enter people’s names Under Choose People to share with and click Share to share a file or folder. You can change the Permission Level from drop down. You can select Read or Read/Write. You can click the file path to make it public or private.

Share Files With Specific People-2

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Method 1: Use PowerShell To View Shared Windows 10 Files

Step 1: Press Windows and X key together to get Start context menu and click Powershell.

Use PowerShell To View Shared Windows 10 Files

You can use both Windows PowerShell and Windows PowerShell Admin option to invoke Windows PowerShell in this case.

Step 2: Once launched, type: Get-WmiObject -class Win32_Share. Press Enter.

Use PowerShell To View Shared Windows 10 Files-1

You will get to the list of all files that you have shared so far.

Method 2:  Use Run Command To View Shared Files In Windows 10

Step 1: To check which folders are shared, press Windows and R key to open the RUN box.

Step 2: Now type fsmgmt.msc and click OK.

Use Run Command To View Shared Files In Windows 10

You will get a window that will contain a list of shared folder and files.

Use Run Command To View Shared Files In Windows 10 -1

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Method 3: Use Command Prompt To View Shared Windows 10 Files

Step 1: Press Windows and R to get the Run box and type cmd to launch Command Prompt.

Use Command Prompt To View Shared Windows 10 Fil

Step 2: You can view the shared files by typing the command:

net share

Use Command Prompt To View Shared Windows 10 Files

Step 3:  Press Enter and you will get a list of files shared.

So, in this way, you can share the files and folders and view all folders that you shared so far without getting confused.

Which way are you going to use to view the shared folders? Please express your thoughts in the comments section below.

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