Skype Not Working On Mac (2023) – Here’s How to Fix


Skype for Mac not working

In case you are dealing with the same issue and are not able to use Skype properly, there are several troubleshooting steps you can follow to get things up and running again properly. 

Lately, video communication platforms are at a boom. People all over the world use Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, WeChat to conduct audio or video calls and conferences using their computers or smartphones. Among all the chatting applications, Skype appears to be the most reliable option, but sometimes your online conversations can turn into a frustrating experience, full of glitches, unresponsiveness, and delays. 

If you are a regular Skype user, you must’ve experienced issues like: “Skype not opening on Mac”, “Log-in problems”, “Audio being cut out”, “Skype video not showing another person” etc. So, why do these issues occur in the first place? Why does Skype become unresponsive all of a sudden? To find out the answers, keep reading! 

You might want to read: COVID-19: Here’s how to Setup Skype and Zoom meeting on Mac & PC 

Here’s The Main Causes Of Skype Not Working On Mac (2021)

Listed are some common culprits behind Skype for Mac not responding issue: 

  • A poor Internet connection can result in dropped calls, blocky or frozen video chatting experience, or stuttering sound. 
  • You’ve not met the minimum system requirements. 
  •  You are not using the latest version of Skype. 
  • Your Security software or Firewall settings might be blocking the Skype app. 

Whatever be the reason, there are a few tricks you can implement to get your Skype slow connection problem flying again. 

Skype Not Working On MacBook? Try These Solutions! (2023)

Try the following methods to resolve Skype Not Opening/Working On MacBook issue: 

METHOD 1 = Verify Your Internet Connection Is Working Properly

If you are facing issues in signing into your Skype account or sending/receiving messages, check you have an active Internet connection. If the problem persists, despite having strong bandwidth, try reconnecting to the network and log out of Skype. After a couple of minutes, you can log back in to see if it resolves the ‘Skype not responding’ issue on Mac.  

Additionally, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling your Skype. You never know it might fix all the potential problems with the app in one go! 

METHOD 2 = Check Skype Heartbeat

Before you implement any of the troubleshooting workarounds, we advise our users to check Skype’s Status. The page will inform you about the recent Skype issues if any and it will also tell you about the current problems with Skype’s infrastructure. You will be able to see if there’s an issue with a particular feature or your device is the culprit. 

Skype not working on Mac


Although, if there’s anything Abnormal, you can’t do anything to fix it. You just need to wait for the company to resolve the issue from their end. You can just monitor the updates, till then! 

You might want to read: How To Record Skype Calls Without The Other Person Knowing (With Audio) 

METHOD 3 = Review Skype Audio Settings

In case you are facing issues with your Skype Microphone, then first you need to test the device within the app itself. Hit the three-dots icon Menu option > click on Settings and navigate to the Audio & Video tab from the list. To start testing your Microphone, simply speak something. You should be displayed blue dots under the Microphone header as your voice comes up. 

Skype for Mac not working

In case you don’t see these blue dots moving, while you speak, simply click the name of your mic next to the Microphone and choose another device. Keep trying different kinds of devices until you start to see the blue dots moving while you talk. 

METHOD 4 = Inspect Your MacBook (Recommended)

In certain scenarios, you may face issues while placing a call, slow typing, or the application refusing to get launched altogether. Despite checking the Network connection, updating the software, rebooting Mac, nothing works. Well, some other culprits may influence the proper functioning of the video chat platform and you may end up dealing with “Skype not working on MacBook”. If there’s: 

  • Virus
  • Worms
  • Spyware 
  • Adware 
  • Trojan Horse
  • Rootkits or any other malware threats 

You may face issues like ‘Skype not opening on Mac’, ‘Microphone not working’ or ‘Skype video not showing another person’, and so on. Hence, the best practice is to scan your Mac for such malicious content and neutralize all kinds of online and offline vulnerabilities. We recommend using a dedicated application like CleanMyMac X for running a comprehensive scan for identifying and eliminating potential traces. You can navigate to the Malware Removal module > initiate a Scan > Remove the found threats! 

CleanMyMac X


You might want to check: 7 Best CleanMyMac X Alternatives In 2022 (Free & Paid) 

METHOD 5 = Check Your Mac’s Text-To-Speech Settings

There’s a probability that the current text-to-speech seating might be interfering with your Skype. Hence to fix the problem, follow the steps shared below. 

STEP 1 = Close the Skype application. 

STEP 2 = Click on the Apple logo and choose System Preferences from the drop-down menu. 

STEP 3 = From the System Preferences window, navigate to the Accessibility section. 

Skype not working on Mac

STEP 4 = Find and click on the Speech button from the right-side panel. 

STEP 5 = Try selecting a different voice next to the System Voice header. 

Skype not opening on Mac


That’s it! Try re-launching Skype and see if there are still issues in overall working. 

You might want to read: How To Share Screen On Skype (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS) 

METHOD 6 = Review Certain In-Built App Settings

Still, struggling with “Skype video not showing another person”? Well, make sure that another person is not hidden. Have the individual, simply right-click on their Skype screen and make them check the following options are not selected: 

  • Hide Self View 
  • Stop My Video 

Skype not opening on Mac

Also, make sure neither of you has the outdated version of Skype installed on your device. Additionally, you need to make sure that no other app is already using your webcam. These software can be any video editing tool, instant messengers, browsers etc. So, consider closing all the background services for time being and see if it resolves the “Skype not working on MacBook”. 

METHOD 7 = Temporarily Disable Your Antivirus Tool

Well, if you have any antivirus or security program installed on your device, consider disabling them for a moment to see if it resolves the ‘Skype for Mac Not Working Issue’. Keep in mind, not running an antivirus solution can certainly increase the risk of threats entering the Apple ecosystem. Hence, we advise users to implement this method at their own risk! 

Still unable to connect to Skype? Reach out to the official Skype Support Team!

That’s all for today! So, were you able to resolve Skype not opening on Mac or Skype Not Responding on MacBook? Do you know any other tactic or workaround that can help people fix the issue? If yes, then do share your suggestions in the comments section below! 

Want to connect with us? You can write to us at 

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