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Future Tech

The Evolution Of Technology – Past, Present, Future

Over the years, we have seen overwhelming technological changes. Where in 1984 only 8% of households had personal computers and the World Wide Web was nowhere to be seen. Now, we see everyone using gadgets, smartwatches, smartphones, and wh...

Audio Editing

How to Record Screen on Mac with Sound

Recording screen, capturing screenshots, certainly is the best way to explain anything to anyone & presumably this is all we need. But there are times when we need to record the screen on Mac with the audio or record a video with sound ...

For Windows 10

How to Setup & Use Parental Controls on Windows 10

Setting up parental controls can be very beneficial when you want to keep your child safe from the digital world. Before giving your children access to use the Windows system, make sure to enable Parental Controls Settings to safeguard thei...


How To Use Firefox ScreenshotGo App?

We all take screenshots on our smartphones for various purposes. The most common thing to notice here is that we find it hard to find the screenshots on time. Since Screenshot folders are often the largest in the phone galleries, it also be...


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