How To Fix Windows Stop Code 0xC000021?

The stop code 0xC000021A indicates that your computer has some corrupt system files. It can potentially signify a botched OS upgrade or incomplete program installation. The stop code, often known as error 0x00021a, prohibits customers from normally booting onto their PCs. Here are a few ways on how to fix the 0xc000021 stop code on a Windows PC.

Also Read: How To Fix Media Creation Tool Not Working on Windows 11/10

Methods To Fix Fix Windows Stop Code 0xC000021

Method 1: Unplug or disconnect all external devices

Unplug or disconnect all external devices

As was already indicated, external device interference is a frequent cause of this problem. Therefore, you should try to resolve this issue by sequentially unplugging all external devices. The best course of action is to take a close check on each gadget and keep unplugging or disconnecting it. They should require you to unplug them and restart your device repeatedly. If the issue has been fixed, it indicates that an external device is to blame. Try the following solutions again if Windows stop error 0xC000021A is still shown on your device.

Also Read: Windows 11 Media Creation Tool (2023): How to Use it

Method 2: Create A USB Bootable Disk And Repair System Files

Step 1: Get the Media Creation Tool now.

Media Creation Tool

Step 2: Connect a USB flash drive with at least 4 GB of space.

Step 3: After accepting the license terms, launch the media creation tool.

Step 4: Select Create installation media for another PC (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file).

Create installation media

Step 5: Choose your desired edition, architecture, and language.

Step 6: Choose Next and select a USB flash drive, then select Next.

USB flash drive

You’ll ultimately have a configured bootable drive with Windows 10 installation.

Step 7: Restart your PC and boot from the USB drive.

Step 8: Choose the language and then select “Repair Your PC”.

Step 9: Select “Troubleshoot” followed by “ Advanced Options” and then choose “Command Prompt”.

Step 10: Type the following command and press the Enter key to execute the command.

chkdsk C: /r

Step 11: Once the Check Disk is complete, type the next command followed by the enter key.


sfc scannow

Step 12: Remove the USB and reboot your PC to check if the Stop Code 0xc000021a has been resolved.

Also Read: All You Need To Know: Windows 10 Media Creation Tool (2023)

Method 3: Upgrade The Operating System

Step 1: Use the Media Creation Tool that you downloaded in the above step and open it.

Step 2: Click on the Accept button on the license agreement page.

Step 3: Select Upgrade this PC now option and click on Next.

Upgrade this PC now

Step 4: Media Creation will begin updating once it has finished downloading files.

By installing an earlier version of Windows and then upgrading to Windows 10 using the Media Creation Tool, some customers were able to remedy the problem.

Method 4: The Boot Configuration Data (BCD) Must Be Rebuilt

This problem in Windows 10 may be brought on by the BCD (Boot Configuration Data). The reason is because it initiates Windows 10 activities. You might be able to correct this and fix this issue.

Step 1: Boot from the USB.

Step 2: Select the Troubleshoot option. Look for Command Prompt after Advanced Options.

Advanced Options

Step 3: In the Command Prompt, enter the following commands one by one followed by the Enter key after each command.

  • bootrec /FixMbr
  • bootrec /FixBoot
  • bootrec /ScanOs
  • bootrec /RebuildBcd


These procedures can be used to fix Windows 10 BSOD error code 0xC00021A. The reason is that it will completely rebuild your Windows settings.

Also Read: Fix – A Media Driver Your Computer Needs Is Missing

The Final Word On How To Fix Windows Stop Code 0xC000021?

All the techniques you can use to fix Windows stop code 0xC000021A have been thoroughly covered in the blog post above. To get your gadget in working order, you only need to implement each of these methods one at a time. Remember that you shouldn’t stop the process until the ideal solution has been identified. It’s probable that you’ll need to try more than one remedy before you locate the appropriate one.

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