How To Fix Grainy Photos On iPhone

Don’t we all love to capture our precious moments to keep it close to our heart forever? But every time you click a photo with your iPhone, it appears to be a bit grainy and pixels are distorted. Ever wonder why you get this kind of photos, despite of iPhone’s incredible camera?Grainy Image

Well, don’t worry as we have a solution for it. In this article, we have talked about a app which will help resolve this issue without too much tweaking.

Fix Grainy Photos On iPhone With An App

If you have a penchant for spotting beauty in unusual places, you must be absolutely fond of clicking photos. But, more often than not, you also find yourself complaining about the poor quality of photos captured in low-light conditions such as night or indoors. These pictures don’t appear to be clear and lack color and vibrancy. These may also have a lot of dots (often called grains) scattered on the photos’ surface, making them look ugly.

Also Read: How to Recover Permanently Deleted Photos and Videos from iPhone

What Makes Photos Grainy?

The basic rule says, “The higher the ISO(film’s sensitivity to light), the grainier the photo would be.” On the other hand, there are various other reasons for the grainy photos: low light, too slow shutter speed, camera, excessive post processing and most commonly noise.

Well, you can’t remove it from a photo manually but you can always take help of a third party tool,  Adobe Lightroom Photo Editor.

One of the finest mobile image editing applications from Adobe helps you fix the grainy photos easily. Let’s look at the features it offers-

  • Comes equipped with numerous editing tools for images.
  • Regardless whether the photo is clicked in low light, or has high ISO, the app will reduce noise and smoothen it.
  • The application is used widely by the professionals.
  • The app offers to remove the luminesce and color noise. Adjust the level of noise as per your preferences.
  • It allows you to adjust the smoothing level to make the picture look perfect. It is best suited for photos with tiny spots.

Adobe Lightroom Photo Editor takes all the issues out of an image and makes it perfect. It is a paid application and is available for Android, iOS, Windows and Mac.

Also Read: How to Sync ‘Photos’ to iPhone

Tips To Take A Photo Without Blur/Grain With Your iPhone:

If you want your special moments to be photographed in a perfect way, keep these tips and tricks in your mind, the next time you capture a memory.

1. Keep Your iPhone Steady For Sharp Photos –

Keep your hands firm while clicking a photo as you shake your phone, the camera shakes too, resulting in a blurred image. It mostly happens in low-light conditions as the camera needs to use a slower shutter speed to allow enough light in to create a decent exposure.  If you can’t keep your hands steady, then you should use iPhone tripod or you can improvise and can keep it against a wall. One of the reasons for the blurry image is iPhone’s HDR mode when On as HDR takes three quick shots at different exposures and combines them to create the best outcome. If you move your hand while clicking photos, the outcome would be blurry and grainy

2. Set Focus Point –

This is also one of the important things to consider. iPhone’s   autofocus feature is good but to get better focus, it is recommended to set it manually. You can set the focus point by tapping the main subject on the screen in the camera app. A yellow box will appear around the area to determine the focus point.

3. Take Care Of Exposure –

Exposure means brightness and it is everything if you care for the details on the image taken. It is very easy to set brightness on an iPhone. Once you have set the focus and the yellow box appears, wipe up or down on the screen to adjust the brightness.

Also Read: How to Import Photos from iPhone to Windows 10

4. Light Is Important –

While taking photos, you should pay attention to the direction of light. This is important when you are taking a portrait image where you want to get the face clearly visible.

Consider using these small tricks to get a better picture the next time you click. If anything goes wrong, you can always use a noise reduction application to reduce the complexities of the image and get it ready for sharing them with friends and loved ones.

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