Can You Block Someone on LinkedIn Without Them Knowing?

Hey, you! Are you tired of those unwanted connections on LinkedIn? I feel you! 

Receiving spam messages, inappropriate content, or unwanted connections can be a frustrating experience. Well, let me tell you, blocking them can be the solution to maintaining a secure and professional profile. But wait, what if you don’t want them to know you’ve blocked them?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many people are looking for ways to block a member on LinkedIn without visiting their profile. While others are wondering what happens when you block a connection. Well, that’s why I’m here to help!


In this blog post, I’ll show you a straightforward method to block people on LinkedIn without them knowing. Trust me, it’s super easy! So, keep reading to find out why you should block someone on LinkedIn and how to do it discreetly.

Before blocking someone without clicking on their profile, have a look at How to view the other profiles on Linkedin without them knowing?

The Top 5 Reasons You Should Consider Blocking Someone on LinkedIn

Here are some potential reasons why you might consider blocking someone on LinkedIn. 

  • Prevent spam messages and unwanted connections.
  • Protect your privacy and personal information.
  • Maintain a professional profile and avoid inappropriate content.
  • Avoid harassment or abusive behavior.
  • Block competitors or individuals who might harm your career or business. 
  • Get rid of fake profiles residing on your account. 

By blocking someone on LinkedIn, you can maintain a safe and professional environment, and ensure that your profile reflects your values and goals.

You might want to read: 6 Amazing Tips to Up Your LinkedIn Game 

What Happens if You Block Someone on LinkedIn?

Blocking someone on social media can be a sensitive topic, but it’s an important part of maintaining your online boundaries. And, LinkedIn is no exception! When you block someone on LinkedIn, you’re taking control of your professional network and ensuring that unwanted connections can’t reach you. The blocking process on LinkedIn is similar to other social media platforms, but the after-blocking scenarios are unique to this platform.

Once you block someone on LinkedIn, they won’t be able to see your profile, send you messages, or connect with you. They will also not receive any notification that you have blocked them. However, keep in mind that blocking someone doesn’t mean they are removed from your connections list. If you want to remove someone completely, you’ll need to do that separately.

How To Block Someone Without Clicking On Their Profile ? (Android/iOS)

Follow the steps shared below to discreetly block a LinkedIn user without visiting their profile.

Step 1: Tap on the profile icon or your picture on LinkedIn to reach your profile page.

Step 2: Tap on the Settings icon. Select ‘Privacy’ tab from the top of the page.

Step 3: Choose ‘Profile Viewing Options’ here.Linkedin

Step 4: Tap on the ‘Private Mode’ to be anonymous for others.

Step 5: Now if you will visit someone’s profile, he/she will not be notified about your visit with the name. Rather, it says that ‘Someone Anonymous has viewed your profile.’

Step 6: Tap ‘More’ beside the name of the person whom you want to block.

Linkedin blocking

Step 7: Select ‘Report or Block’ at the end. The next prompt will ask you if you want to report this profile or report this image? Select whichever is right for you or else, you can select Block at the top.

Block someone on Linkedin

Once done, you can again go back to update the settings from the Privacy tab under Settings.

With these settings above, you can block someone without looking at their profile or actually hiding from them.

Also Read : 6 Amazing Tips to Up Your LinkedIn Game

How To Block Someone On Linkedin Without Viewing Profile? (Web)

Step 1: Log in to your Linkedin profile.

Step 2: Click on the profile icon from left and reach your profile page.

Step 3: Find ‘Me’ from the top bar and unfold it.

Step 4: Choose Settings and Privacy and a new tap will automatically open.

Step 5: Select Privacy tab. Scroll down and locate ‘How others see your Linkedin activity’.

Anonymous Linkedin

Step 6: Click ‘Change’ right beside ‘Profile Viewing Options’. Here, select ‘Anonymous Linkedin member’.Anonymous Linkedin2

Step 7: Visit the profile you want to block, select ‘More’ beside their name and choose ‘Report/Block’. And select the required option.

Also Read : How to Disable LinkedIn App Notifications in Windows 10

Avoid Awkwardness: Creative Ways to Manage Unwanted Connections on LinkedIn

Though we have explained to you already how to block someone without going on their profile. In case, blocking looks like an extreme step, try these solutions to deal with unwanted connections on LinkedIn. 

  • Hide your profile: You can adjust your profile settings and choose what others see when they visit your profile. You have the option to partially conceal your identity by displaying only your industry and location, or you can opt for complete anonymity.

Additionally, you can refer to the LinkedIn Help Page and learn about browsing profiles in Private & Semi0Private modes. 

  • Restrict their access: You can restrict the person’s access to your profile by limiting their ability to view or contact you. Learn how to control your public LinkedIn Profile! 
  • Mute their notifications: If you don’t want to see notifications or updates from a specific person, you can mute their activity on your feed.
  • Disconnect from them: If you no longer want to be connected with someone, you can simply remove them from your network.
  • Report them: If the person is engaging in inappropriate behavior, such as harassment or spamming, you can report their behavior to LinkedIn.

Also Read : LinkedIn Can Now Advise Your Next Career Move

Take Control of Your LinkedIn Experience | Blocking Someone on LinkedIn Without Them Knowing

Now that you are aware of how to block someone on LinkedIn without viewing a profile, do that if things are not comfortable. Or else, you can go for unfollowing or removing the connection as well. Whatever you choose, we are listening to your queries and reviews. Keep posting them in the comment section below.

Follow us on social media – FacebookInstagram and YouTube. For any queries or suggestions, please let us know in the comments section below. We would love to get back to you with a solution. We regularly post tips and tricks, along with answers to common issues related to technology.


Q1. Will the person I block on LinkedIn know that I have done so?

No, when you block someone on LinkedIn, they won’t be notified or receive any indication that you have blocked them. They will simply not be able to see your profile or contact you in any way.

Q2. Can I unblock someone on LinkedIn if I change my mind?

Yes, you can unblock someone on LinkedIn at any time.

  • Hit the “Me” icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. 
  • Go to the Settings & Privacy tab. 
  • Find & select Visibility of LinkedIn activity. 
  • Hit the Blocking option. 
  • A list of all the members you’ve blocked will appear. 
  • Select Change to unblock someone.
  • Find the person’s name and click Unblock.

Q3. What happens to any recommendations I’ve received from the person I blocked?

Well, Recommendations are not affected by blocking someone on LinkedIn. Any recommendations you’ve received from the person you blocked will still appear on your profile and can be viewed by other users.

Q4. Can the person I blocked still see my profile if they are not logged in to LinkedIn? 

No, if you block someone on LinkedIn, they will not be able to see your profile even if they are not logged in to LinkedIn.

NEXT READ: How to Create a LinkedIn Company Page – Quick Steps


  • comment_avtar
    God bless you for this post. I blocked the person in peace ?

    3 years ago
    • comment_avtar
      Mridula Nimawat
      Thank you for appreciation.

      3 years ago
  • comment_avtar
    This post was so helpful. I was able to block a harasser from a previous workplace with a greater sense of safety because of you. Thanks for relaying this information

    3 years ago
    • comment_avtar
      Mridula Nimawat
      Glad it helped.

      3 years ago
  • comment_avtar
    After blocking can we restore our setting back of visibility? will our name be visible then?

    2 years ago
    • comment_avtar
      Mridula Nimawat
      No, once you have blocked them, it won’t show your name to that blocked profile.

      2 years ago

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