How to Disable the Autorun Feature on Windows 10

The Autorun feature on devices comes in handy! It not just allows you to guide you through the rest of the installation process but also saves a lot of time and effort. 

But what if you want to turn off the Autorun feature on Windows for a specific app? Yes, there’s a way through which you can easily disable Autorun on Windows. Autorun.exe is the default file that comes along with the app/software package and launches automatically whenever you try to run the program. 

Disable the Autorun Feature on Windows 10
Image source: CCM

Although, there may be a few instances where the Autorun file on Windows might contain viruses, malware, or Trojans. So, to make sure that the Autorun file does not create further havoc and spreads the infection on your device, disabling it is the best bet to keep your device secure.

In this post, we have covered a complete guide on how to disable Autorun on Windows 10 listing three different ways to turn off the Autorun feature.

Also read: Autorun.inf File Corrupt or Missing? Here’s the Fix!

How to Disable the Autorun Feature on Windows 10?

Let’s get started. 

You can disable the Autorun feature on Windows by using three different methods. You can easily disable the Autorun on Windows by making a few changes in the Registry Editor, Local Group Policy Editor, and Windows Settings. 

1. Via Registry Editor

To stop the Autorun.exe file from automatically running on your device, you need to make certain changes in the Windows Registry Editor. Here’s what you need to do.

Press the Windows + R key combination to open the Run dialog box. Type “Regedit.exe” in the textbox, hit Enter to open the Registry Editor. 

Via Registry Editor
In the Registry Editor window, navigate to the following location:


Once you’ve reached the “Explorer” folder, look for the “NoDriveTypeAutorun” file placed on the right side of the window. Right-click on this file, and create a new D-WORD file. 

In the Value Data field, enter “FF” to disable Autorun on all drives. Press the OK button to save the recent changes.

disable Autorun on all drives

Exit all windows and reboot your device. Once your device restarts, try running the application again to check whether the Autorun file is running automatically upon the launch or not. 

Also read: How to Disable UAC in Windows 10? (4 Ways)

2. Via the Local Group Policy Editor

Another way to disable the Autorun on Windows 10 is by making a few changes in the Local Group Policy Editor. Follow these quick steps to turn off Autorun by using Windows Local Group Policy Editor.

Press the Windows + R key combination to open the Run dialog box, type “Gpedit.msc” in the textbox, and hit Enter.

Group Policy Editor

In the Group Policy Editor window, navigate to the following location:

Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components.

Group Policy Editor window

On the right side of the window, tap on the “Autoplay Policies” folder. Select the “Turn off Autoplay” file.

Double-tap on the “Turn off Autoplay” file to open its Properties. Check on the “Disabled” option to turn off the Autoplay feature on your device. 

Turn off Autoplay

Hit the OK and APPLY button to save your recently made changes.

Also read: How To Fix And Disable OneDrive High CPU Usage On Windows 10

3. Using Windows Default Settings

Lastly, another quick way to disable Autorun is by using the default settings of Windows. Here’s what you need to do.

Launch the Start menu search box, type “Autoplay Settings” and hit Enter.

Using Windows Default Settings

You will be redirected to the Windows default settings page. 

Toggle OFF the “Use Autoplay for all media and devices” option to disable the feature. 

Also read: 5 Rigid Windows 10 Settings and How To Fix Them


Here were a few ways to disable Autorun on Windows 10 by using the Registry Editor, Local Group Policy Editor, and Windows default settings. The Autorun.exe comes embedded with software packages, CD/DVD, USB flash drives, and other storage media. But if you don’t want to run the file’s contents automatically as soon as you insert the storage media into your device, you can use any of the above-mentioned methods to disable Autorun on Windows 10. 

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