How To Disable The Startup Delay In Windows 10


Did you know that Microsoft has inculcated a 10-second startup delay by default in the Windows 10 operating system? This means that there is a 10-second gap between initiating your startup apps and complete loading of Windows services. This startup delay has been purposefully designed to allow the operating system to load all essential services before any third-party programs or non-essential processes start to execute. Microsoft believes that this will enable all apps and services to run smoothly and enhance the Windows 10 machine’s performance.

However, if you have some essential programs and apps that you need to start up with when the operating systems boot up, you can eliminate this 10-second startup delay. This is done through a change in registry values, also known as a registry hack, which enables the user to reduce or disable the delay. The Windows service automatic delayed start then will reflect on all apps as the changes did are on system-level and not app-specific.

Note: If you reduce or eliminate the startup delay, then the difference between boot time will be best observed on computers having Solid State Drives rather than hard disk drives. This is because SSD can load programs faster than a standard hard drive in any given situation.

Also Read: How to Manage Startup Programs in Windows 10

Steps On How To Disable The Startup Delay In Windows 10

Before we start off to tweak our registry, it is essential to create a backup of our registry entries so that in case something goes wrong, we can always restore it from the backup taken.

Steps To Create A Registry Backup In Windows 10

Step 1: Press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard to open the Run box.

Step 2: Type “Regedit” in the text box and click on OK.

Step 3: The Registry Editor window will open.  Click on the Computer in the left pane below the tabs.

Step 4: Now click on File and from the dropdown menu choose Export.


Step 5: A new dialog box will open where you can select the saved backup location and provide a name for the backup.

Note: When you click on Computer in Step 3, a backup of all the Registry entries will be taken. If you click on a particular entry, a backup will be taken of that entry, only including subentries.

Step 6. The Save as Type must be “.reg” or Registration Files, and the Export Range must be “All.” These values are selected by default and should not be changed.

Registration Files

Also Read: 8 Best Free Startup Manager Tools For Windows PC

After The Registry Backup Is Taken, You Can Proceed With The Steps To Reduce Or Remove The Startup Delay In Windows 10

Step 1: Open the Registry Editor and navigate to the following path:


Note: You can copy and paste the navigational path in the top bar in the registry.

navigational path

Step 2: Make a right-click on Explorer and then choose Key under the New option. After the key is created, rename it as “Serialize.”

Note: If you already have a “Serialize” under the Explorer Key, then there is no need to create a duplicate one.

Step 3: Next, right-click on serialize, hover your mouse cursor over New and select DWORD Value from the contextual menu. This entry will be created on the right panel of the Registry Editor Window.


Step 4: Now, rename this key to “StartupDelayInMSec” and make a double click to set the value to zero to prevent any issue with the Windows service automatic delayed start.


Step 5: Exit the editor and restart the computer after saving your work. You will find that your startup applications were up and running as the computer booted up after the restart and thus removing any startup delay.

Also Read: How To Delay Scheduled Tasks In Task Scheduler On Windows

The Final Word On How To Disable The Startup Delay In Windows 10?

Once you set the time to zero, there will be no startup delay on your computer. However, the above steps can also be used for increasing the startup delay from 10 seconds to more if required. A delay of more than 10 seconds is recommended in kiosk machines where only a single program will be auto-initiated when the machine turn on. It is essential to allow Windows 10 to run all services and processes before any application is launched. Always remember to take a backup of the registry first before making any changes.

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