Tips & Tricks

For Windows 10

5 Cool Tips To Make Your Windows 10 Colorful And Bright

Windows 10 is the brightest and the most colorful edition of Windows ever. But one can’t have enough. Surely, you would want the colors to be customized according to your taste. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to make...


How To Make Background Transparent In Paint & Paint 3D?

Paint is probably the coolest tool of Windows and does wonderful jobs that we usually try to seek in other software. Well, in this blof but we will walk you through steps to make the background transparent in Paint. Amongst all the Windows ...


How To Hide WhatsApp Status From Selected People

We all know how useful WhatsApp is! With over 1.3 billion monthly active users, it has become a vital part of our daily lives as a primary means to send and receive messages. This cross-platform instant messaging service officially allows y...

For Mac

How To Take Screenshot on Macbook Pro Touch Bar

Macbook touch bar makes lots of things easier for you and apart from scrolling you can do lots of things with this smart tool. Sometimes it is like a second display for your Macbook and this is where you may need to take screenshot of it. I...


Useful Facebook Tips and Tricks for Advanced Users

Facebook, the most famous social media platform, has been known for constantly updating itself to make the user experience easy, efficient and interesting. It is more than an application that just shows news feed or lets you post pictures. ...

For Windows

7 Amazing Hidden Features of Windows 10

A lot has changed since the time Windows 10 was launched. Many new features were introduced with its inauguration, and Anniversary update has improved its services. In fact, Windows 10 is loaded with many multi-tasking tools such as custom ...

Cyber Security

How To Protect Your Computer From Identity Theft

In this digital era, we keep almost all the personal information online whether it is our a Facebook account or bank account credentials. These details may easily allow identity thieves to impersonate us and use our credit cards or othe...

Command Optimization

How To Set Up Parental Controls On Your Mac

Being a parent is tough, especially in the digitally augmented world that we live in. As internet has become entrenched in our lives, we need to keep strict tabs on what content our kids can access. This definitely calls for online protecti...

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