Author bio

Sarang Bhargava

Sarang Bhargava

Sarang is an avid tech- blogger who loves to pour his heart out in form of words. The very thought of exploring new things especially from the tech domain fascinates him. When not writing you can find him either immersed in his own thoughts, taking a nap, listening to music or devouring on books, movies or even topics for his next blog.

What Is A VPN, And Why You Need One

VPNs are used to conceal your online identity by hiding your IP address and making you appear from a different location. But, then there are other ways to do this, right? So, why would you invest in a VPN subscription? Or, more specifically...


How To Restore Sound To My Computer

Audio issues are among the most common problems that can appear on Windows 10 PC, and there might be times when merely tweaking the volume button up and down might not be of much help. That is the time you might wonder how to restore sound ...


How To Boost Windows 10 Performance – Top 13 Ways

Windows 10 is an operating system which is known for its performance. But, many factors could make it perform slowly. So, is your PC sluggish, and you wish to Boost Windows 10 performance? Apart from the possibility of compatibility issues,...


Update, Install & Download Windows 10 Bluetooth Drivers In Your PC

Windows 10 Bluetooth driver is as important as any other device driver on your computer. It allows and enables your operating system to interact with Bluetooth devices, and it is also the other way round. Now, Bluetooth drivers in Windows 1...


4 Best Time Tracking Software To Increase Productivity

Why Do I Need A Time Tracking Software? In A Nutshell A Time Management Software Is The Need Of The Hour While we are working at the comforts of our homes, we need something like a time tracking software for maint...


Spot Fake Play Store Apps And Toss Them Out Of Your Android Device

A fake Android app can be destructive. Yes! You heard us right. It won't just sit on your Android device and eat away the precious storage, but it is capable of causing more destruction. We'll talk of how destructive it is; if you are wonde...


The Wonderful World Of Chatbot Platforms And Apps

Even if not a norm, chatbots are slowly becoming an integral part of customer service. Chatbot platforms help businesses communicate with their end customers with ease. To begin with every business, these days has an extensive social media ...


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