Author bio

Nisha Joshi

Nisha Joshi

A traveler who has eaten with Bedouins, gotten lost in mist, and walked a kilometer to get net connection. When not writing, Nisha reads tech magazines to shampoo bottle labels

The Best Tools for Budding Novelists

Many a times we debate and rationalize that because we do not have the latest gadgets and gizmos at our disposal, we can't get started on the novel we have always dreamt of writing. For this end, smartphones are the best bet for one and all...


5 Best Android Screenshot Apps In 2023

There was a time when due to lack of evidence, we couldn’t prove a point in a heated debate or a discussion.  Also, on social media pages, one would stumble across many meme pages which are either hilarious or downright aweful. So, smart...


10 Best Photo Apps for iOS

Photography apps are not merely about how to get the best photos. There’re several other factors that are involved. Specially if one wants to go about it seemingly with a hint of professionalism. The subjects often change and one needs to...


Best Language Learning Apps On iOS Devices

Imagine moving into a new city, starting your life afresh. You walk down to the corner deli and not being able to communicate how you would like your sandwich. Or if you are visiting a foreign country on a vacation and fall sick, and unfort...


Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! The Fastest Growing IT Jobs By 2023

We have been going through an economic slump for quite a while now. But, irrespective of this reality, there is a ray of hope shining bright in the IT industry. Employment has increased ten-folds simply because of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)...


The Best WiFi Hotspot Software to Replace Connectify

There is no millennial who can complete a train journey or last a day without wifi connection. With Connectify, many have availed the easy access it gives it users, but, there is one important factor that makes it unattainable for the commo...


Discord for Gamers: Know All About It

While playing video games, gamers often face two prominent problems. The first is talking to each other to navigate and plan the path within the game and also overcome the hurdles in it easily. The second problem commonly faced by them is o...


Apple iOS 12 versus Google Android P

Apple and Google are the 2 of the 3 unbeatable kings in the IT sector. The third is obviously Microsoft. While this holy trinity seems to have a dedicated market share with fans who swear by their respective products, there are few instance...


Best Home Renovation Apps For Your Dream Home

Renovation. Upkeep. Change. These are some of the realities that every homeowner goes through. Renovation of any type causes a lot of headache to the homeowners as they have to coordinate with developers, designers, plumbers, contractors et...


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