Author bio

Nisha Joshi

Nisha Joshi

A traveler who has eaten with Bedouins, gotten lost in mist, and walked a kilometer to get net connection. When not writing, Nisha reads tech magazines to shampoo bottle labels

5 Best Animation Apps For Android

Animation on the move. Traditional animators would probably be turning in their graves on knowing that technology has become so advanced that now it is easy to create animation while in queue to board their bus home or when one is ideally s...


Smartphone Fingerprint Scans : Not So Secure

One of the first things we do whenever we buy a new cell phone is sync our biometrics onto it. Be it the Facial ID feature on the iPhone or the simple yet highly effective Fingerprint ID. Scanning technology on a smartphone is not anythi...


How to Spot A Fake Social Media Profile

Social Media is currently being racked through the coals. Every profile, every user is being judged for authenticity. With so many extensions already in place, people were unable to stop Cambridge Analytica from downloading our profile deta...


Broadcast Television: An Evolution of Technology in Our Lifetime

Remember the time when Sunday afternoons were the highlight of the week? Our kitchen tables were filled with finger food and loads and loads of popcorn? Who can forget the amount of pop we had stored just for this one afternoon. All for tha...


Ghostery: The Best Extension For Safe Browsing Experience

Facebook users were tricked by third party application into sharing their data. There is no other truth, they may claim that all the users from their so-called survey volunteered to use the application. The fine print is that the users were...


Google Tracking Alert: All You Need To Know

Aah Facebook! What have you done? It was thanks to you that one could ghost over an ex’s new bae and sleep a good night’s sleep. We could search and know how life goes for the good ol’ school bully. If he gets just desserts from lady ...


Data Mining And The Marauders Involved

Digital identity. With numerous social media apps that are available online, we are now spoiled for choice. Initially there was Orkut, Myspace and Facebook that were tools we used to keep in touch with friends and family worldwide. Slowly a...


High-End Smartphones: Are They Worth It?

The ideal purpose of a phone is to make and receive calls. While old telephone instruments became obsolete due to the advancement of technology, one wishes we could go back in time and relish the satisfaction of hanging up on someone after ...


5 Best Video Converter Apps for Android

Video Converting Apps are such a boon. Especially on Android. A bulky video file can easily be converted in to an audio to be heard as a podcast while travelling. Or maybe you recorded a video of your child performing and want to share it w...


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