Author bio

Dheeraj Manghnani

Dheeraj Manghnani

Dheeraj Manghnani likes to read and write about latest technological developments that make life simpler in today's intricate world. He has been fascinated by technology since he got his first computer and is on a never ending quest to know more and share his knowledge with others.

Advanced Driver Updater vs WinZip Driver Updater

The importance of Drivers is one of the most debated topics in the tech world and many tech enthusiasts often doubt the need of a driver updater software. In simple words, drivers are small codes or programs that help communicate between th...


How To Secure Your Network With Effective Remote Desktop Access

A remote desktop session is always established using encryption which means no third-party infiltrator can find out what is going on. However, as security protocols have improved over time so have the skills of people with malicious intent....


Defraggler Review: Make Your PC Faster By Defragmenting Your Files

Defragmentation is the process of arranging the fragments stored in your hard drive and placing similar fragments together. This is one of the requirements of any computer that you have that you get the hard drive defragmented at least once...


Duplicate Cleaner vs Duplicate Photo Fixer Pro

Duplicate images accumulate in our computer over time and occupy valuable space and resources. It is important to delete duplicates but doing this task manually would perhaps take ages to complete and wouldn’t guarantee a 100% result. Thi...


Tips On How To Make Fortnite Run Better On PC

Fortnite is an amazing Battle Royale game that includes playing in a team with the sole intention of defeating all others and arising as the clear winner. However, this is not possible if you are facing issues and errors while playing Fortn...


How To Update USB Drivers In Windows 10?

One of the easiest and most popular ways to connect any external device to your computer is through Universal Serial Bus Connector or known as USB in short. All device manufacturers provide a USB port to connect and laptop manufacturers pro...


Duplicate Photo Fixer Pro vs Duplicate Photo Cleaner vs CCleaner

This article compares three of the most popular applications that assist users in removing duplicate photos. It is divided into three major sections, just like a three-course meal consisting of Salads, Main Course, and Desserts. Sounds Funn...


How To Optimize Your Mac For Better Performance?

“When I first bought my iMac it was just awesome with a smooth and flawless performance. But now I feel it is slowing down a bit and the response time is not what used to be.” – David Morrison. “Surfing the internet is no longer th...


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