Like every web browser these days, Safari the default web browser for macOS X also got advanced. It is secure and ready to handle multiple tabs at the same time. But if we talk about private browsing, then it is also equipped with private browsing mode which helps you to browse secretly.
There are many reasons for using private browsing in Safari on Mac. This article is for all those who want to know that what exactly is private browsing how it can be used on Mac to keep your browsing experience safe and confidential.
In the era of emerging cybercrime Private browsing plays an important role to keep your information safe and away from wrong hands.
What is Private Browsing:
Private browsing on Safari or on any browser prevents your machine to keep any traces of what you have searched for or visited. But it does not mean that server will not get your IP address or websites will not be prevented from knowing who you are.
Why to go incognito on Safari:
As we have discussed earlier in this article that we are living in the era of cybercrime. Because technology has taken over almost everything and it became more important keep our credential and browsing history confidential. Private browsing does the same when you browse in the private mode it clears all the history and the details entered by you as soon as you close the browser. This means if anyone else uses the same computer then he or she will not be able to track your browsing activities.
You must use private browsing under following circumstance:
- You are making a financial transaction online.
- You are using a public computer or other people in your family use the same computer.
- You are watching a content you do not want other to know.
- You are secretly ordering something for yourself or for family members.
Using Private Browsing in Safari for Mac:
So now let’s straightway move to the procedure of private browsing on Safari on Mac.
- When you open Safari browser on your Mac you will see it in a default mode where all your cache and browsing history get stored according to Safari default preferences.
- To turn on incognito mode on Safari go to File from the Safari menu and click on New Private Window. You can also use keyboard shortcut Shift+Command+N to open a new private window.
- Private Window also looks like if you have opened a new window of Safari at the top of the browser you will see a message “Private Browsing Enabled.
- Safari will keep your browsing history private for all tabs in this window. After you close this window, Safari won’t remember the pages you visited, your search history, or your AutoFill information.” This is the right place to browser securely in private your browsing history cache etc. will not be saved now.

Launch browser with private mode by default:
So far you have understood that private browsing mode of Safari browser helps you to browser websites safely without leaving any traces. So, if you want that your system should by default open in private browsing mode then you can follow these steps.
- Launch Safari browser as Normal go to Safari>Preferences from the Safari menu or you can use keyboard shortcut Command+Comma to open Safari preferences.
- In the General tab find Safari Open With option with a drop-down menu next to it choose “A new private window”
- Now close preferences Window and from now Onwards Safari will open in private mode by default.
- While using Mac private browsing mode as default if you want to open a normal window then you can do this by going to File and then New window from Safari browser.
This is how you can use private browsing on Safari browser on Mac. If it is not necessary for you to preserve browsing history, then you should always use private browsing mode by doing this your credential and confidential browsing history will always be safe at the same time this will help in saving the disk space because now cache and browsing data will not occupy it.