When does Windows 7 Support End?


As for all the operating systems, time for Windows 7 is coming to an end. It is not like the systems with Windows 7 will cease to work after the extended support end date next year, but the support provided will end. End of support is the biggest reason to upgrade your system to the latest version, it is also beneficial to know what else to be done. There are a lot of people still using Windows 7, even though Windows 10 got launched in 2015.

What Is Windows 7 Support End Date?

For those who think their computer will stop working, there is no such thing as that. Windows 7 support ends means that the extended support for Windows 7 will discontinue and there will be no new feature updates. In other words, updates, and services for Windows 7 which require assistance in it are going to end next year. You can still install and work on a computer even after the Windows 7 support end date. Microsoft officially suggested to leave the old operating system behind as it will get vulnerable to use once the support ends. As the security issues can erupt after the Windows 7 will not be provided after January 14th 2020.

Get upgraded to Windows 10 now.

Getting your system upgraded to the latest version, i.e. Windows 10 is great as it will. As it is closer to that Windows 7, whereas Windows 8 and the other version were a bit different unless you want to invest in that.

What You Need To Remember While Upgrading ?

With the option of getting an upgrade or a clean new installation, there are a few important things to remember.

Like taking a complete backup of the files which have been saved on your system all this while.

Driver Update

All the devices need drivers to communicate with the operating systems. They frequently go corrupt or go missing after the upgrade or update. To do so, you will require software. We recommend  Advanced Driver Updater. This tool actually makes your computer run as it helps you update drivers, which maintains the connection between software and hardware. And issues related to graphic card or no sound will be solved.

ADU is available for Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista and XP (32 bit/64 bit).

Follow the steps to use Advanced Driver Updater to update the device drivers on your system:

Step 1: Download Advanced Driver Updater from the link below.


Step 2: After the successful installation of the tool, you will be shown the status of your computer as device Drivers outdated. which is more likely the case after the upgrade of operating system.

Advanced Driver Updater

Start Scan Now button is shown in the tool, click on it. It will run a scan for checking the device drivers of your system.

Step 3: The scan takes time for recognizing outdated device drivers. It takes a short while to show relevant results.

Advanced Driver Updater Scan

The scan for the existing device drivers in the system takes place.

Now, the scan results will appear, and the list will show what is needed to be done on its Status along with the versions of the device drivers. All of outdated device drivers will have an option to get updates. Click the button Update all.

Advanced Driver Updater Scan Results

It is suggested as to update device drivers on a regular basis if you wish to continue working smoothly with the Windows.

Step 4: Once all drivers are updated, it prompts a message which is to restart the computer. After restarting, it will show a message that all driver got updated.

The software also comes with a rollback option for the chance of getting back the old configuration of the driver. It is possible as the tool keeps a backup, which is needed with some outdated software to run along that version of the drivers.

Wrapping up:

So with one version coming to an end, the best option is to upgrade your computer to the latest version of Windows and enjoy the uninterrupted support for the operating system.  As the best option is to go with Windows 10 to avail the latest features. After upgrading your system, don’t forget to upgrade your drivers using Advanced Driver Updater for a smooth transition between the versions.

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