What Is Gmail Archived Mail And How To Recover Them Back

Since emails are still one of the main modes of online communication, you’re sure to receive a ton of them in your Gmail inbox. Imagine the clutter which comes up at the end of the day and you are unable to find something really important. To avoid such situations, Gmail Archive can act as an asset that helps in saving a particular email for any future reference.

Gmail Archive

Gmail Archive

Archiving an email is like storing the information in a way that it doesn’t highlight in your regular inbox. Whenever you wish to archive a particular email, it transfers into a section of All Mail. Now, this email could be used and retrieved back into your Inbox whenever required.

Gmail Archives

How to Archive the email? Once you select the file by ticking on the box and click Archive (Highlighted above), your emails get transferred into an archive section.

But sometimes you accidentally push your emails to the archive section and before ‘Undo’ could be pressed, the mail just disappears. While you search for it by writing in the search bar, you may find it. But what if you do not remember the subject or content or the name of the sender? Here’s what you can do!

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How To Recover The Email From Gmail Archive On PC?

Now it’s the time when you need to bring back the archived email in your inbox, follow a few simple steps.

Step 1: Open your Gmail on the browser, to begin with.

Step 2: See the left panel where all the features are present and choose All Mail.

How To Recover The Email From Gmail Archive On PC

Step 3: Here, you will be able to locate your specific email. Tick the box on and choose ‘Move to Inbox’. (Highlighted in the image below)

How To Recover The Email From Gmail Archive On PC

As you open your inbox afterward, you will be able to find your email back into the Inbox.

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How To Recover The Email From Gmail Archive On Mobile App?

If you are using Gmail app on your phone, it is very simple once again to retrieve archived mail. Follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Tap on three horizontal lines on the top left side from where the menu will drop down.

Step 2: Choose ‘All Mail’ from here and you will be directed to the Gmail archive section.

How To Recover The Email From Gmail Archive On Mobile App

Step 3: Here, you can select the mail by pressing it long and tap on 3 dots from the right corner. Now, you will be able to see ‘Move to Inbox’ from drop bar. Tap on it and you will be able to see the email back into your inbox.

To Conclude

Save your emails using Gmail archive and take them as reference for later purposes. But if you have accidentally sent the email in the archive, do not worry as they aren’t disappeared. Just follow the steps dictated above and continue with an organized method of keeping your Gmail account smart.

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