
5 Ways to Fix the “Network Security Key Mismatch” Error on Windows 11

An issue that frequently arises while attempting to join your Windows machine to a wireless network is the “network security key mismatch” error. The network security key or password you used to connect to the wireless network is incorrect, according to this error notice. Even when the right security key has been put in, the error can occasionally still appear. Your third-party antivirus product, a broken network driver, or IP address problems are a few typical causes of this error message. Let’s look at the solution now that you have a basic grasp of this issue and why it happens.

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Methods To Fix the “Network Security Key Mismatch” Error on Windows 11

Method 1: Reboot Your Router

Restarting your router should always be your first step anytime you experience any internet problems, including the “network security key mismatch” message. By doing so, the router’s memory is cleared and its internet connection is refreshed. Restarting your router will enable you to reconnect to your wireless network once more. Try the additional remedies suggested below if you are still experiencing the issue.

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Method 2: Forget The Wireless Network

The corrupt network profile on your machine may be the cause of the error message. The saved network settings will be cleared if you forget the wireless network in this situation. By following the steps below, you can forget a wireless network:

Step 1: To launch the Settings app, press Win + I.

Step 2: Pick Network & Internet from the left panel and Wi-Fi from the right side.

Step 3: Select Manage Known Networks after scrolling down on the side.

Step 4: Next to the connection name that is causing the issue, click the Forget button.

Step 5: Restart your computer and attempt to connect to the wireless network again by inputting the network security key after that.

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Method 3: Turn Off Your Third-Party Antivirus Program

The “network security key mismatch” problem can occasionally be caused by third-party antivirus software interfering with your computer’s network profile, which prevents you from connecting to wireless networks. Consider disabling your third-party antivirus program to fix this.

Right-click the security program’s icon in the system tray area and select the Disable option from the context menu to make it inactive. For more specific information on how to disable your security program, consult the user handbook if necessary. Once the antivirus has been turned off, see if the problem still exists.

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Method 4: Update Drivers

A corrupt or out-of-date network driver is yet another major factor that could be causing the issue. To resolve the problem in this instance, you must update the network driver. To update drivers, we recommend using Advanced Driver Updater which is a third-party driver updater software that can scan, identify, and update your drivers with a few mouse clicks. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Download and install Advanced Driver Updater from the Button provided below.

Step 2: Launch the software after installation and click on the Start Scan Now Button.

Step 3: Wait for the scan process to complete and a list of driver anomalies will appear on the screen.

Step 4: Locate the network driver among the list and click on the Update link next to it.

Step 5: Wait for the software to locate, download, and install the latest driver update all by itself.

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Method 5: Reset Network Settings

Resetting your network settings is your last option in this case. All network-related configurations on the system will be cleared during this process, and their default settings will be applied.

Step 1: Press Windows + I to open the Settings.

Step 2: Choose the Network & Internet tab from the left panel.

Step 3: Scroll down and choose Advanced Network Settings in the right section.

Step 4: Next, click on the Network Reset button under the More Settings section.

Step 5: Click on Yes in the prompt that appears.

Restart your machine after changing the settings to default. Once it has resumed, you will discover that connecting to the wireless network is simple and error-free.

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The Final Word On Ways To Fix The “Network Security Key Mismatch” Error On Windows 11

When you enter the correct security key but still are unable to connect to a wireless network, it can be very aggravating. The good news is that you may easily solve this issue following the suggestions made above because it is a pretty common one.

Please let us know in the comments below if you have any questions or recommendations. We would be delighted to provide you with a resolution. We frequently publish advice, tricks, and solutions to common tech-related problems. You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Flipboard, and Pinterest.

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