Fix- Svchost.Exe High CPU Usage On Windows 10

I know, I always talk about Windows and its error!  But who’d really deny the fact, it is normal to face errors on PC if you don’t take good care of your computer. Well, this time I am back with another glitch of Svchost Exe on Windows 10.

Before hopping directly to the fixes, let’s understand what is Svchost Exe on Windows 10?

Svchost Exe Svchost stands for Service Host on Windows 10, which is a process devised to provide the demands of multiple Windows service at one time. This process doesn’t give any load to the system.

You know, if you have disabled Svchost on Windows 10, then my friend you are in real trouble!

Now, it’s time to talk about the fixes to halt the annoying glitch of Svchost Exe on Windows 10.

Method 1- End Svchost on Windows 10 Through Task Manager.

There could be a chance that Svchost services are the root cause of this error. Now with the help of Task Manager, we will look for the faulty service and disable them.

  • Right-click on the toolbar and then select Task Manager from the list.
  • Now on the Task Manager window, tap on Details tab.

svchost process

  • Now, look carefully and find the svchost.exe.
  • Here, you will encounter a lot of Svchost.exe, I know you must be confused, which one to choose!
  • Choose any of these, right-click on it and tap on Go to service(s)

Svchost Windows 10

  • Now, you will be automatically redirected to the new window where the faulty Svchost services will be highlighted.
  • Right-click on the service and click on Stop.

Svchost Windows 10

  • You have to stop all the svchost process until you couldn’t find the real culprit.
  • Now once you got the faulty svchost process, click Open Service located at the bottom of the pop-up.
  • I have selected the Data used for example, now as you will right-click tap on the Properties as shown in the below image.

svchost process

  • In the Properties pop-up, drop down to the Automatic in the Startup Type option. Refer to the below image.

svchost process

I am sure with method 1, you will get rid of Svchost Exe on Windows 10. If not jump to the next fix.

Also Read: Best PC Cleaner Software for Windows 10, 8, 7

Method 2- Clear Event Viewer Logs

  • Search for the Event Viewer in the search box located in the left corner of your system’s screen.
  • In the Event Viewer, click on Windows logs located in the left side pane.
  • As you will tap on the Windows Logs, click on Application.
  • Now on the right side of the pop-up, tap on the clear log as shown in the below image.

Svchost Windows 10

  • Now, a new prompt will appear on your screen, tap on clear.
  • Follow the above step with Security, Startup, System and Forwarded Events.

Don’t forget to restart your system, and check whether the annoying issue of Svchost on Windows 10 is still there!

Method 3-  Stop Windows Update To Get Rid Of This Issue

  • Press the Windows logo key and R together to open Run Box.
  • Now enter the following command (services.msc) in the Run Box.
  • Navigate to Windows Update in the list, right-click on it and tap on Stop.

svchost process

  • Now, navigate to, This PC > Local  Disk (C:) > Windows.

Svchost Windows 10

  • Here navigate to the SoftwareDistribution folder and delete it.

Final Words

Hopefully, the above method will help you to get out of Svchost Exe On Windows 10. Another point, I would like to recommend to use antivirus software at first. It is because there may be a chance that your system is home of malware or viruses which is why Svchost.Exe High CPU Usage On Windows 10 is there.

Moreover, if I missed out on any point, or you think any other effective method would work for the Svchost on Windows 10  drop your comment below.

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