How to Fix Printer Spooler Errors in Windows 10

Spooling is a type of programming that helps to copy data between two different devices. Printer spooler means a system that carries the data from the PC to the printer when the user gives the command to print. If you are facing print spooler service that keeps stopping errors on your Windows 10 PC then it means that there is a communication gap between the printer and your PC. This issue is not limited to a particular application or type of hardware but can occur in different ways and display numerous types of errors.

  1. The printer does not print anything,
  2. The printer repeats printing a particular file.
  3. Printing service halts all of a sudden.
  4. Printing stops with incomplete printouts.
  5. Print spooler keeps stopping
Print spooler
Image Credits: Technomaniac

Printing errors due to Windows 10 print spooler keeps stopping issues are not uncommon and are faced by thousands across the globe. This error has been occurring in older versions of Windows OS like Vista, 7, 8, and 8.1. There is no definite cause as to what stops print spooler in Windows 10. It can be due to print spooler settings, previously failed printing commands, driver issues, and loss of network connectivity in the case of Wi-Fi printers. This guide will help you to repair printer spooler errors in Windows 10.

How to Fix ‘Print Spooler Service Keeps Stopping’ Error in Windows 10, 8, 7 & Vista

To resolve the Print spooler service that keeps stopping errors, you have to follow these steps one by one in the order they have been mentioned. This will help to isolate the problem and fix it. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Use the Printer Troubleshooter

Microsoft has inculcated certain troubleshooters in the Windows operating system to help identify and fix certain minor issues. You will have to open the Windows Settings box by pressing Windows + I and search for Printer Troubleshooter.

Once you find it, click to execute and then follow the on-screen instructions. This troubleshooter has repaired the printer spooler in Windows 10 for many.

Step 2: Check the Error Code

If the issue persists, then check the error dialog box for an error code or message which might explain what has caused this issue to occur on your PC. If you cannot detect the meaning of the error code, then move to the next step.

Step 3: Restart the Print Spooler Service

Restart print spooler

This is a simple troubleshooting step that has restarted the stopped print spooler in Windows 10 over the years in almost all versions of Windows. To carry out this step, follow these instructions listed below:

  • Open Command Prompt in Elevated Mode. (Type CMD in the search box and click on Open in Administrator Mode)
  • Make sure the Command Prompt displays C:\Windows\System32.
  • Type net stop spooler followed by Enter key. (This will stop the Printer Spooler)
  • Next, type net start spooler and Hit the Enter key.

Step 4: Alter the Print Spooler to Automatic

Alter the Print Spooler to Automatic
The Printer Spooler is a service that runs in the background while your operating system is functional. A solution to repair printer spooler in Windows 10 is to set the service to Automatic startup from its original manual setting. Here is what you need to do:

  • Press Windows + R to invoke Run box and type msc followed by Enter.
  • Locate the Print Spooler Service in the list of services. (alphabetically arranged)
  • Make a right-click and select properties.
  • Choose Automatic from the dropdown and click on Apply followed by OK.

Step 5: Check the Printer Queue

When you give a print command, the print spooler service takes that command and puts it in a queue. Any command following the first one will fall in the queue and be executed on a FIFO basis (first in first out). If you are facing the Print Spooler error then you have to first get rid of all the jobs stuck in the queue and reset it to blank. This can be done by making a double click on the printer icon located in the right bottom corner of the taskbar near the date and time. Once it opens, right-click on each print job and select cancel. After all the existing print jobs are removed from the Print Queue, restart your computer and try to print.

Step 6: Remove Old Printers

Check your Printers & Scanners in the Windows Settings (Windows Key + I) for old printers attached to your system. Try to delete all the printers except the one you use currently.

Step 7: Update the Drivers

Drivers help bridge the gap between the software and the hardware which means that your OS communicates with your printer via drivers. To update drivers, you can follow either of the steps:

Manual Method. Visit the Support website of your printer and download the latest driver and install it.

Automatic Method. Use the Advanced Driver Updater application to scan, identify, download, and install the most updated drivers on your computer with a couple of mouse clicks. This application identifies all the possible driver issues like missing, corrupt, and outdated ones and updates them with compatible ones.

Update all

Step 8: Reset the Registry Keys of Print Spooler

Reset the Registry Keys of Print Spooler

The registry is the hierarchical archives of your computer which stores the reference to all the settings on your PC. A reset of these keys would help to repair print spooler in Windows 10. Follow these steps:

  • Press Windows + R and type regedit in the Run box followed by Enter key.
  • Navigate to the following path in your Windows Registry.

For 32 bit architecture, use-

//HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Print/Environments/Windows NT x86/Print Processors/ for 32 bit Windows

or for 64 bit, use this

//HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Print/Environments/Windows NT x64/Print Processors/ for 64 bit Windows.

  • Delete all the folders present in this location except the WINPRINT entry.
  • Restart your computer and try to print a new document.

Step 9: Install Windows Updates

Microsoft provides its users with regular updates that seem to work miracles most of the time and fix issues that cannot be fixed otherwise.

  • Press Windows + I to open the Settings window.
  • Select Updates & Security.
  • Click on the Check for Updates

Step 10: Use Antivirus Software

Systweak Antivirus
Image Courtesy: Systweak

Any unexplained and immediate errors can be caused by malicious software in your PC like viruses and malware. It is important to keep your system protected by installing antivirus software on your computer. There are many antivirus applications in the market and you can choose anyone. However, if you ask us, then we suggest using Systweak Antivirus which is fairly a new kid-on-the-block but still works like an expert identifying potential threats on a real-time basis.

The Final Word on How to Fix Printer Spooler Errors in Windows 10

The Windows 10 Print Spooler keeps stopping error is not a major error and has been occurring for a long time on almost all versions of Windows OS due to a communication gap between the PC and the printer. The above steps mentioned have been suggested on troubleshooting forums by experts and as per the positive ratings, it seems they have worked for many around the world. You can follow these steps in order and repair the Printer Spooler on Windows 10 PC.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix printer spooler error on Android smartphones?

Android Smartphones have come a long way and are now able to connect to Wi-Fi printers and successfully print documents. If you are printing from your phone and get a printer spooler error, then you have to reset the Android Print Spooler cache.

Tap on settings > Apps > Show System Apps > Print Spooler >Clear Cache and Data.

2. What do you do if you get printer spooler error 1068?

Enter the following command on the command prompt in elevated mode followed by Enter:


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