Microsoft Outlook Has Stopped Working Error Fixed

Have you come across Microsoft Outlook has stopped working error? If yes, then we feel for you. Imagine, you need to send an email to your clients or reply to your boss on an urgent basis and Outlook crashes. Doesn’t it frustrate you? If yes, and you are looking for a solution, read this!

outlook has stopped working error fix

In this post, we have listed some of the hacks and tips to fix Microsoft Outlook has stopped working.

1. Open Microsoft Outlook in Safe Mode

Safe Mode is one of the ways to resolve Outlook email not working issue. Follow these steps to get it fixed:

Step 1: Close Microsoft Outlook when the error comes up.

Step 2:  Get Run window by pressing Windows and R together. Type “Outlook.exe /safe” and press Enter. Now Outlook will start in Safe Mode.

Step 3: Disable unwanted add-ins. To do that:

For 2007, Go to menu bar and navigate to Tools. From the drop-down menu, select Trust Center. Click Add-ins and then click Go.

outlook in safe mode

Image credits: isunshare

For 2010/2013/2016: Go to menu bar, click File from the top left-hand corner. Now click Options from the left pane. Outlook options window will come up, click Add-ins, then click Go.

add ins in outlook

Image credits: isunshare

Step 4: You will get a list of add-ins, look for unwanted ones and remove them. Now launch Microsoft Outlook and check if the issue is resolved.


A component could have been damaged and that could have been the reason that you got Microsoft Outlook has stopped working error. Using SCANPST can resolve the issue, follow these steps to do that:

Step 1: Open File Explorer Window by pressing Windows and E. Navigate to the search bar, which is located at the top right corner of the window. Type SCANPST and press Enter. Double click on the displayed result to run the program.

scanpst for outlook safe mode

Image credits: isunshare

Step 2: You will get Outlook Inbox Repair Tool Window, click Browse to select the PST file which needs to be repaired. Click Start to initiate the process.

repair outlook inbox tool

Image credits: isunshare

Step 3:  Click Repair to resolve the broken PST file issue. Once the process is completed, click OK to finish.

3. Create PST file to cope with the issue

Step 1: Go to the Search box, besides Start button. Type Control Panel.

windows control panel

Step 2: From Control Panel window, click Uninstall a program.

program install windows 10

Step 3: You will get a list of programs. Click on Microsoft Office program, and tap on Change.

Step 4:  Click “Repair” & click Continue. The process will take a while, wait until it is finished, once it is done, close the window. Launch Microsoft Outlook to see if the issue is resolved.

4. Use Event Viewer

Event Viewer is a component of Microsoft’s Windows which allows admin and users view the event logs on a local or remote PC. Event Viewer can be used to resolve Outlook has stopped working issue. Follow these steps to fix Outlook email not working issue:

Step 1: Go to the Search box, besides Start button. Type Event Viewer then press Enter.

event viewer for outlook error

Step 2: On the Event Viewer window, from the left-hand pane, click Windows Logs-> Application. Look for items named under “Outlook”, “Application Error”, or “Windows Error Reporting” in the source line. To get detailed information, go to the General tab on the window and locate error file and delete.

solved outlook application error

So, these are some of the fixes to tackle Microsoft Outlook has Stopped Working issue. Try them and let us know what worked for you. If you have any other hack to fix the issue, you can share it in comments below.

Next Read: How to Fix Outlook Search Problem

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