How to Turn off Notifications in Windows 11

Windows devices include a range of system and app alerts that notify you of real-time occurrences. Incoming VoIP calls, Outlook calendar reminders, and regular Windows version update notifications may all appear to be equally urgent. However, this isn’t always the case; and even if it were, any user action that requires your attention can easily be delayed. Notifications might be particularly inconvenient when you’re working or watching your favorite game or television show

To avoid being bothered by these warnings, we recommend turning them off, concealing them temporarily, or enabling only the most necessary ones. On this page, we’ll show you how to turn off computer notifications on Windows 11 PC.

How To Turn Off Notifications On Windows 11

When you truly need to concentrate, you should know how to turn off all of your computer’s notifications. A notification center is in charge of this type of muting.

Step 1:  Open the search box by pressing Windows + S and then select the “Notifications & actions settings” menu option. 

Disable Computer Notifications On Windows 11

Step 2: Switch off the “Notifications” toggle key once the notification settings window is shown which is generally enabled by default. This turns off all alerts from apps and other sources, so you don’t have to deal with them individually.

Disable Computer Notifications On Windows 11

Step 3: Uncheck the options for “Offer suggestions on how I can set up my device” and “Get tips and suggestions while I use Windows” as well. This will close any extra notifications.

Disable Computer Notifications

Step 4: Keep the Focus assist setting turned “Off” to ensure that it does not conflict with your permanent and total silencing of system notifications.

How To Dismiss Notifications On Windows 11?

It may be significantly handier to discreetly reject the notifications to the desktop background rather than turning off all Windows alerts and pop-ups.

You may do this in two ways: through the Action Center or by setting a notification timeout.

Step 1: To open the Action Center, press Win + A on your keyboard. There will be a white outline around any notifications if there are any. To turn off the notifications, simply press the Del key.

Disable Computer Notifications On Windows 11

Step 2: Alternatively, you can turn off notifications by using a timer. In Windows 11, go to System settings and look for “Notifications timeout after.”

Disable Computer Notifications On Windows 11

Step 3: Choose the amount of time you want a notification to stay on your screen from the “Dismiss notifications after this amount of time” drop-down option. The least time the notifications stay on your screen is 5 seconds.

Disable Computer Notifications On Windows 11

How to Turn Off Notifications in Specific Apps On Windows 11?

It’s possible to turn off notifications for some apps while keeping them on for others. To turn off individual app notifications on Windows, follow these steps:

Step 1: Press Windows + S to open the search box and  type “Choose which apps show notifications.” 

Disable Computer Notifications On Windows 11

Step 2: Choose any app that you don’t want to receive notifications from and toggle it “Off.” 

How To Use Focus Assist To Temporarily Hide Notifications.

We propose using Windows Focus assist, an advanced power user function accessible from the Windows system tray, to obtain the benefits of computer notifications without their being too obtrusive. It can reduce distractions by using an “automatic rule” to temporarily hide alerts.

Step 1: In the search box, type “Focus assist automated rules.” 

Disable Computer Notifications

Step 2: Turn the toggle switch off for the choices you don’t need under the Automatic rules section under Focus assist.

Disable Computer Notifications

Note: If you choose quiet hours during the evening, for example, you won’t be disturbed by anything but priority communications. Similarly, when playing a game, you can limit all alerts to “Alarms only.” This option is especially beneficial when using full-screen software like a video streaming app.

Step 3: Scroll down to the “Focus assist” section and select the “Priority only” or “Alarms only” choice button, as appropriate, to define restrictions for the types of notifications you receive. 

Disable Computer Notifications On Windows 11

Step 4: The “Priority only” option allows you to get notifications for critical contacts and apps while turning off all other notifications. 

Step 5: Finally, go to the Apps list in the Priority list. You can add/remove apps based on whether or not you want them to provide priority notifications.

The Final Word On How To Computer Notifications On Windows 11

I hope the above steps help you to manage your notifications on Windows 11 and concentrate on your work. You can either choose to disable the notification altogether or turn off a few of them. I feel that setting up a timer to dismiss them automatically within 5 seconds is the best option of all.

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