How To Fix Windows 10 Bluetooth Audio Stuttering Issues

With Bluetooth technology available, the wired headphones have seemed to be out of date for quite some time now. However, the Bluetooth headphones do have certain issues and one major issue is the Windows 10 Bluetooth Audio Stutter. This means that the headphones get connected to the computer but you do not hear a smooth playback voice. Instead the audio breaks or stutters and you might also face automatic disconnect after a short while. To resolve these Bluetooth audio stuttering issues, you can follow the fixes listed below.

Steps On How To Fix Windows 10 Bluetooth Audio Stuttering Issues

There are four major steps to fix Windows 10 Bluetooth audio stuttering issues and three of them involve using Windows in-built settings and tools and the final method involves using a third party tool. Let us try with the Windows in-built options first.

Method 1: Use the Bluetooth Troubleshooter

Microsoft believes in self-diagnosing and self-healing, and this is apparent as they have inculcated a few troubleshooters that scan your computer, identify the errors, and fix them. One such troubleshooter is designed to identify and fix the Bluetooth issues, and it can be initiated by following these steps:

Step 1: Press Windows + I to open the Settings window.

Step 2: Among the various options, select Update & Security.

Step 3: A new window will open where you must click on Troubleshoot option in the left panel.

Step 4: On the right side, locate Bluetooth under Find and Fix other problems and click on it.


Step 5: Next, click on Run the Troubleshooter and follow the onscreen instructions.

Step 6: Finally, reboot your computer and check if the problem has been resolved.

Method 2: Disable Audio Enhancement

The next step to follow if the Bluetooth troubleshooter fails to resolve the problem is to disable the Audio Enhancements option in Windows 10. These enhancements are designed to improve the sound quality but sometimes face compatibility issues with certain types of headsets. To disable them follow these steps:

Step 1: Press Windows + R on the keyboard to open the Run box.

Step 2: In the text space, type mmsys.cpl and press Enter.


Step 3: A new window will open displaying settings related to Sound.

Step 4: In the first tab labelled as Playback, you will find a list of Speakers and devices listed. The device with a green tick in a circle is your current default device.

Step 5: Make a right-click on your current default device and from the contextual menu, choose Properties.

Step 6: A new window will open where you have to click on the Enhancements tab and uncheck the checkbox labelled as Disable all enhancements.

Step 7: Click on Apply and then on OK button and exit out of all the other open windows.


Step 8: Reboot your computer and check if you are still facing Windows 10 Bluetooth Audio stuttering issues.

Method 3: Change Audio Format

If your issue has not resolved, there is another setting that you can alter to resolve it, and that is to change the audio formats in your PC. Here are the steps to accomplish that:

Step 1: Open the Run box on your computer by pressing Windows + R on the keyboard.

Step 2: Type “mmsys.cpl” in the search box and press Enter.

Step 3: A new box will open, which will display all the speakers connected to your computer.

Step 4: Make a right-click on the speaker with a green checkmark and circle and select Properties from the contextual menu.

Step 5: Now, a new window will open again where you have to click on the Advanced Tab.

Step 6: Under Default Format heading, click on the drop-down and select 16 bit, 48000 Hz, and then click on Apply and Ok.


Step 7: Now check if your issue is resolved or follow the steps above and choose a different format and check again.

Method 4: Update Audio Drivers

The final method to resolve the Windows 10 Bluetooth Audio Stuttering issue is to use a third-party software to updater drivers on Windows 10 like Smart Driver Care. This application is designed to scan all the drivers in your system and replace all the outdated, missing and corrupt drivers with updated and most compatibles ones available on the internet. With updated drivers, you will find a remarkable change in your system in terms of enhanced performance. Here are the steps to use Smart Driver Care in your system:

Step 1: Download and Install the Smart Driver Care from the button provided below:

Step 2: Open the program and complete the registration process.

Step 3: Next, click on the Scan Now button to initiate the scan process on your PC.

Step 4: Now, select the driver you wish to update from the list displayed.


Step 5: Click on Update All and wait for the update to complete.

Update all

This is a simple and swift option to update all the drivers on your PC.

The Final Word On How To Fix Windows 10 Bluetooth Audio Stuttering Issues

There is no point in keeping Bluetooth headphones or speakers if you cannot enjoy seamless music with them. Music is supposed to have a calming and soothing effect, but with Windows 10 Bluetooth Audio Stuttering Issues, it would reverse the effect and cause a person to be irate. The above four methods can help resolve your issues and use a driver updater software like Smart Driver Care is one of the recommended ways to fix the many problems in your computer.

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  • comment_avtar
    Mridula Nimawat
    Bluetooth audio is not that great.

    4 years ago
  • comment_avtar
    Bluetooth audio worked flawlessly until one or more updates from August to September 2020. I have been using the same bluetooth headphones for 3 years with no issues and now every headphone I use stutters on bluetooth. Ive tried all the fixes recommended by windows and run troubleshooters. Im clueless now to what happened. Any thoughts are much appreciated.

    4 years ago
  • comment_avtar
    Robert Mansbridge
    Same as Mike tried all the above . Stuttering only started for me in DEcember

    4 years ago
  • comment_avtar
    I have been scouring the internet seeing the same solutions over and over and seeing that they have not fixed problems for some users. I hope my two cents can help someone else because I know how frustrating and time consuming it is trying to fix the connection from a perfectly fine computer to a perfectly fine pair of headphones. I have a desktop computer, brand new and the sound kept going in and out with all bluetooth speakers and headphones in the house. I tried all the fixes and bought firmware which did not help the situation. The troubleshoot feature on windows 10 kept saying that it fixed a radio issue that wasn’t actually fixed. I finally just bought an extra antenna, plugged it in, and BAM. I guess it needed a stronger connection….although I am sitting literally 10 inches away from my computer. I’m not tech savvy so I don’t know how this can help with laptops, but I hope this helps someone else with the same issue or lead to another better solution

    4 years ago
  • comment_avtar
    Rien Vesseur
    Microsoft Windows is the most widespread operating system, which is surprising seeing how unreliable it is. Microsoft has not deserved this level of success.

    4 years ago

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