Get Rid Of Annoying Calls With The Best iOS Call Blocker Apps

Most of us who have a  Smartphone probably encounter those useless and unwanted calls at some point or another. It’s so damn annoying!  Especially, when your phone gets bombarded with unsolicited messages and calls. Robocalls and Spam text messages are the top most honks that users file complaint about.

Now you would say why use an app, when your phone has a dedicated feature to block unwanted calls. It’s because Robocalls, Spammers and Fraudsters have become so infuriating that your phone cannot suspect the number alone and block it automatically.

Whereas, using an app which have been discussed below have an ability to prevent robocalls from ever ringing your phone. These services continuously update their database to stop nuisance calls from Scammers, Spammers, Robocallers and other spoofing numbers.

block call on ios
Image Source: Quertime
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Best Call Blockers For iPhone 2018

Try our picks for great call blocking apps to get rid of nuisance calls.

1. RoboKiller

robo killer

With Best-in-class spam detection and powerful call blocking capabilities, at number one we have RoboKiller. When you get a call from a number you don’t recognize, just drop the call and the app will come up with the whole information about the call which lets you decide whether the call is worthful to answer or not.

In today’s scenario, number of spam calls look like they’re coming from local numbers which confuses user to follow up the call. This is called Neighborhood Spoofing.

Thanks to RoboKiller for having superior capabilities to detect Neighborhood spoofing and block them instantly. Not only this, RoboKiller has real-time caller ID, and it turns unknown number into names, addresses etc. So, stop guessing who’s at the other end and,

Download this fantastic Call Blocking App Here!

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2. Mr. Number

mr number.jpg

Mr. Number Call Blocking App comes with Scam, Spam, & Robocall detecting & Blocking features. This service gives you real time alert for incoming calls which you should not pick up. You can search for any number, and Mr. Number will tell you which number is a virus threat, malware, spyware, spam and scam.

Mr. Number constantly updates its database of Spammers & Scammers to give you a seamless experience. It blocks calls & texts automatically when detects a wasteful call.

Mr. Number intercepts the unknown and private numbers and directly sends it to voicemail. With the mission to fight against Spammers, Mr. Number has its own community through which users help each other by blocking nuisance calls and reporting scammers, robocalls and spammers.

Download to stop unwanted calls!

3. TrapCall

trap call

TrapCall keeps a track of your digital stalkers and protects you by allowing you to record your incoming calls as evidence (Available – In-App Purchases). The cool feature TrapCall offers is, it automatically transfers voicemails to your phone as SMS or Emails. Now no more worry to check your voicemails regularly!

It holds capacity to block over 200,000 Spam Numbers and Telemarketers! This app is designed especially for those who are always concerned about their safety. With its Live Caller ID feature you can turn all the unknown numbers into names!

Be trouble free with TrapCall and get freedom from unwanted calls. Download this safest Call Blocker here!

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4. Call Bliss

call bliss

If you’ve given up on your struggle with the irritating calls and are planning to change your number, stop right now and give a shot to Call Bliss App as your permanent solution. With Call Bliss you can block those numbers as well those with  no caller ID.

Keep unwanted callers on silence mode. Create groups of your colleagues, family and friends with Call Bliss and decide who all are allowed to disturb you when you’re in an important meeting or busy in an important task.

Works with iOS 8 and above, Call Bliss is perfect to ensure users  never miss an important call with Call Bliss.

Install Call Bliss right here for $9.99, but you can opt for a free trial before splurging!

5. Call Control

call control

Last on our list, but not in its functionality. Call Control is the best call blocker trusted by millions worldwide.

It has an easy, intuitive interface and uses smart block technology to instantly block calls from million telemarketers, scammers and fraudsters. You can create your own Blacklist that block nuisance calls plus it blocks calls based on area code also.

Call Control also allows you to opt ‘Do Not Disturb’ Mode which means you can easily schedule when you don’t want to receive calls. The app maintains its scam report obtained from users and alerts other people as well who is new to Call Control.

Download Call Control- The Safest Call Blocker!

These were undoubtedly the best call blocking apps for iPhone which rules the market. Hope they can help you to get rid of those spammers and scammers.

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