

How To Get Windows On Mac Using Parallels?

Using Windows OS & apps on Mac can come handy when you are using both the platforms frequently. Now, you must think how is this possible, as Mac is said to be user hostile. Well, there are apps which can make it possible. One of the mos...


How To Untag Yourself From Another User’s Instagram Photos?

Instagram tagging is a fantastic feature if you want to share your memorable photos or video with the world. But what if your friend uploads a photo of you that you’d rather people not see? Sometimes people even tag you in pictures you’...


How To Change Snapchat Username Without Making A New Account

While it seems that changing a username is simply navigating to the profile settings and editing the username as per choice. The same does not stand true with Snapchat. Does that mean every time user wishes to change his username on Snapcha...


How to Protect Your Video Content

Different types of video content are available online and each is sensitive in its own way. Some are made for marketing purpose while some are designed for a specific audience like partners, customers, and others. To avoid video piracy and ...

For iPhone

How To Handle Notes App On iPhone & iPad

Thanks to technology, mobiles are not restricted to just messaging and calls. Now, you are able to do myriads of things such as recording, connecting with people on social media and plethora of other things. Among all, jotting down importan...

Future Tech

How To Use The Floating Keyboard Mode In Gboard?

Gboard is Google’s software keyboard for Android devices. The Gboard comes with a lot of customization options such as an ability to change the background, size, color, and more. It also has a lot of features including swiping, Google sea...


How To Get The Old Snapchat Back Permanently On iPhone?

There are always times when you don’t like changes, Changes can be as big as politician changes, changes in the economy, the inevitable ones or it can be as small as changes in the app. Snapchat got redesigned and got into controversy as ...

For iPhone

9 Things You Can Do While Talking On iPhone

In the middle of an interesting conversation with your BFF but need to set a reminder or write notes on your iPhone. Well, you know that you can do it while taking the call, however, do you know what all you can do while on a call? If th...

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