Author bio

Preeti Seth

Preeti Seth

A tech enthusiast who started her career as a technical support agent understands the importance of problem-solving. Being in the IT industry for almost 12 years she has a vision to help people with troubleshooting. She specializes in curating articles about the latest update in the tech world. In her free time, she loves reading mystery, sci-fi books, and travelling.

How to Use New Windows 10 Font Settings

Fonts in digital text are extremely popular and are used in everything, from school work, to poster, to business websites. They add value to everything and make boring text look more attractive meaningful. But sometimes Windows user miss...


Difference Between Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

Misuse of user data and infringement of their privacy seems much common than what we ever imagined. Most of us  were shell shocked to know about Cambridge Analytica Data, its connection with Facebook and how it collected user data for thei...


Introduction To JPEG XS: A New VR Video Streaming Format

Over the years technology has grown leaps and bounds. With each year it gets stronger, faster and more efficient. With each new advancement there is always a question,  “what’s next?”. Recently, Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPE...


How to Reclaim Storage Space After Getting Windows 10 April Update

There’s nothing worse than seeing a low disk space message on your PC after updating to latest Windows. The feeling of running out of storage space is worst, which is why the habit of deleting old photos, videos, files to make space for n...


Twitter Rolls Out New Timeline Feature

To be in the race Twitter keeps on adding new features and in this regard, a new timeline feature is said to be rolled out. This timeline feature will bring all tweets about a story under one banner, making it easier for users to see differ...


What Is Cybersecurity And How To Build A Strategy?

These days both small and big companies are susceptible to attacks. Their information system and data is at risk all the time. Therefore, to stay protected from these threats one needs to understand the basic steps involved in cybersecurity...


How To Use AWS To Convert Video Files

Working with videos is a time-consuming process. Anyone who has done video editing ever, knows how the difficulty level that need to face while converting a video into various suitable formats, so that it can be viewed on different platform...


How To Organize Files And Folders Using macOS Tags

Tags as we all know, help us stay more organized and are a powerful way to manage files and folders. In macOS you can add tags to your file and folder, whether they’re saved on your Mac or uploaded on iCloud. Tags allow to assign a color ...


Best Apple Mail Extensions to Manage Your Emails on Mac

Blog Summary - Apple Mail may have changed over the course of time but it still requires a bunch of necessary features to increase productivity. Those looking for such add ons and always take help from the best Apple Mail extensio...

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