Author bio

Dheeraj Manghnani

Dheeraj Manghnani

Dheeraj Manghnani likes to read and write about latest technological developments that make life simpler in today's intricate world. He has been fascinated by technology since he got his first computer and is on a never ending quest to know more and share his knowledge with others.

How to Store Photo Albums in Folders Based on their Date Taken

Organizing files is one of the most ignored aspects of computer systems. If your photo albums aren't arranged properly, you'll have to go through a lot of folders, subfolders, and drives every time you want to find an image.  Unwanted clic...


How To Use Internet Explorer On Windows 11

Internet Explorer, the legacy browser of Microsoft is not available on the all-new Windows Operating System. But if you are a tech-savvy person, then you probably can download the installation file of the IE browser and install it on your W...


How To Prevent Brute Force Attacks With 7 Easy Tactics

A brute force assault is one of the most basic and poor hacking techniques. The assumption behind such an attack is that if you guess a password an endless number of times, you will ultimately be correct.  By attempting to guess the userna...


Malware Backdoor in NPM packages Discovered After 22 Million Downloads

Two popular NPM packages with combined weekly downloads of roughly 22 million were found to be infected with malicious code by gaining illegal access to the respective developer's accounts, in yet another supply chain hack targeting open-so...


How To Password Protect Whatsapp Chat

WhatsApp is one of the most popularly used Instant Messaging services on the planet Earth and is used by Billions of users. However this IM app does lack certain basic features or necessities as I call them. One such missing option is to pa...


How to Protect your Company Email Address

A company’s email address is an important asset that is used to communicate within and outside your company as well as store information. If this email and its password are accessed by people with malicious intent, then there is no limit ...


How to Fix | Warning: Known issues with the graphics driver

The NVIDIA error message "Warning: Known difficulties with graphics driver" has been troubling many PC users and gamers across the globe. It caused the graphics driver to crash and you are not able to use your PC. This is a pretty typical e...


How To Remove Sensitive Information Hidden in Your Browsers?

Browsers are applications that help users to surf the internet and access the World Wide Web. This is the simplest definition of what a browser is and should do. However with advancement in programming and technology, browsers have grown to...


11 Best Free PDF Writer for Windows 10,8 and 7 (2023 Edition)

Any current smartphone, computer, or tablet can read PDF documents. Because of its interoperability and portability, PDF is an appropriate format for sharing or archiving a web page or document. However, to change the content of a PDF by ad...


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