5 Habits You Can Adapt to Limit Screentime on Smartphones

No matter how much you try to deny, but we do share an inseparable bond with our gadgets and especially our smartphone. From clicking pictures to sending emails to playing games, there’s nothing that a smartphone can’t do. But aren’t you too addicted to your smartphone? Are you using it excessively for no reason?

limit Screentime on phones
Image Source: Financial Times

Not just kids, but even adults are adults to addicted to excessive phone usage and this can really have negative effects on your health and social lives. Curbing your smartphone addiction may be a tough nut to crack but it’s not impossible. Yes, the struggle is real and we feel you!

Here are a few habits you can try to limit Screentime on smartphones so that you can effectively manage your time and follow a productive lifestyle.

Why is Smartphone Addiction on a Rise?

Well, to be honest with each passing day, our smartphone usage is only going to increase. We rely on our phones to do almost anything. Form basic mundane tasks like ordering food, booking a cab or clicking pictures, our smartphone is an essential part of our lives. It’s not a mere gadget which is limited to just making phone calls. In fact, it caters almost each and every need, and allow us to accomplish our day to day tasks with ease.

Why is Smartphone Addiction on a Rise
Image Source: Press Connects

As we can see the current trends of the millennials, this addiction is only going to rise in the near future. So, it’s high time that we bring it in control before we totally lose our presence of mind.

Let’s see what we can do to limit Screentime on smartphones so that you can give undivided attention to other things as well and make some time for yourself doing something productive.

Say No to Social Media (For a while)

Agree or not, but as per surveys have stated, we spend our maximum time browsing our social media accounts. From scrolling Facebook news feed to watching stories of our favorite celebs, social media definitely keeps us hooked to our devices.

Say No to Social Media
Image Source: Cnet

So, for starters, you can try and delete all your social media accounts, which you believe you use for an insane time period. This can act as a first baby step and will help you curb your smartphone addiction.

Black and White

color filters
Image Source: iMore

Colors play a mysterious role in controlling a human brain—indeed! It’s always easier to remember an attractive picture than a dull boring essay. Well, you can try this same strategy on your smartphone as well. Yes, you can turn your phone’s display as black and white, with literally no colors at all to limit phone usage. If you use an iPhone, head on to Settings> Accessibility> Display Accommodations> Color Filters. Enable the “Color Filters” option to turn your phone into a grayscale mode which won’t appeal you much, we guarantee.

Start Leaving Your Phone at Home

Another habit you can try to limit Screen time on Smartphones if of leaving your phone behind whenever you go out. If you have any plans with friends or you’re going on a date with your beloved, don’t carry your phone along and indulge in lively conversations without worrying about anything else in that moment. Yes, we know it sounds almost impossible, but you can try it for yourself and see how good it feels to leave your virtual world behind.

Switch Off your Phone When you Sleep

curb your smartphone addiction
Image Source: Irish Times

This is one habit that you won’t regret adopting at all. Many health professionals advise you to switch off your cell phone before you go to sleep. Your goodnight is utterly precious, and you don’t deserve to be disturbed with any annoying notifications that pop up on your screen at odd hours. Try this, for the sake of a peaceful night sleep!

Download Social Fever App

Last but not least, if any of the above-mentioned methods don’t work out well for you, then here’s the last resort that will definitely help. You can download Systweak’s Social Fever app that is specifically designed to limit your phone addiction so that you also make some time for reconnecting with the real world. This app will help to limit your app usage, offer weekly reports where you can monitor on which apps your spending maximum time and many more other useful features.

social fever app

If you’re willing to let go of your smartphone addiction without any hassle, downloading Social Fever app can be your easy way out. So, what’re you waiting for? Download it now!

Manage your time wisely and do something productive today. Good luck fellas!

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