11 Banned App Categories On Google Play Store

Google Play Store has certain restrictions on the kind of apps that can be displayed on the site. That’s why, there are a few app types that are not entertained on Google Play Store. It’s must for developers, who are involved in the consumer engagement through app content to be well-aware about the policies that are defined by the authorities at Google. They must abide by the norms.

11 App Types That Are Restricted From Google Play Store: –

Just so that you know about the exclusive terms specified on the Google Play Store, here is the list of the app types that are restricted on it: –

1. Violence

Violence of the following kind is restricted from the Google Play Store:

  • Graphics that relate to realistic violence of animals or any individual.
  • Documentation of terrorist activities.
  • Videos or texts that instruct the ways to commit suicide or self-harm.
  • Content that shows violent activities such a bomb and weapon making.

2. Dangerous Products

Dangerous Products
Image source: -pngtree
  • Apps that facilitate the sale of firearms, ammunition, explosives and accessories or in any case provide instructions that are meant for manufacturing the explosives or any sort of weapons and ammunition are restricted from the Google Play Store.
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3. Bullying And Harassment

Bullying And Harassment apps for play
Image source: – corporatewellnessmagazine
  • Posts, comments or photos that promote hatred and bullying which are intended towards harassing or abusing a person are reported to the authorities with an action against the deceased account.
  • User generated content on Apps that lack protection against threats, bullying, or online harassment especially the minors.

4. Sexually Explicit Content

The content under this category include the following:

  • Promotion of user-generated sexual content.
  • Images of sex toys that are used as a promotional strategy.
  • Apps that encourage the promotion of escort services in exchange for compensation.
  • Content that encourages bestiality in any form.
  • Images or videos that depict sex acts.

5. Child Endangerment

There is no tolerance for child sexual abuse imagery at Google and such content is reported to the authorities and the account of the person who promotes such acts is deleted immediately. Also, content that appeals to the children and makes use of adult themes is strictly prohibited.

6. Hate Speech

Hate Speech apps on play store
Image source: – cjp
  • Groups or individuals who promote any sort of verbal or written violence against any race or ethnicity, religion, age, gender, nationality, gender, or sexual orientations through Apps are banned from the Google Play Store.

7. Sensitive Events

Sensitive Events on play store
Image source: -kisspng
  • Apps that promote sensitive content during the events such as natural disaster, conflicts, tragic events or death are restricted from the Google Play Store.

8. Gambling

Image source: – gamblingsites
  • Gambling Apps are only allowed if they meet the specific requirements specified by the Google and are currently active in France, Ireland, and the UK only. Moreover, underage users are not allowed to access such Apps.
  • The landing page of the gambling app must display the information related to responsible gambling.
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9. Financial Instruments

Financial Instruments

  • Apps that fool the users into cryptocurrencies and harmful financial instruments are not allowed on the Google Play Store. In addition to that, trading of binary options is strictly prohibited.

10. Illegal Activities

Illegal Activities
Image source:- tweaktown
  • Apps that promote the manufacturing of illegal drugs.
  • Apps that facilitate the sale or purchase of illegal or prescription drugs without any prescribed notification.
  • Apps that encourage the sale of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs to the minors.

11. User Generated Content

  • Objectionable user-generated content is not allowed on Google Play Store and it is necessary for the users to oblige with the policies that are prescribed by a given App. Users that promote abusive content are restricted to comment or post anything on the App.
  • For live-streaming apps, the users who prove to be problematic are removed and blocked permanently.
  • The Apps should provide user-friendly environment for reporting and removing inappropriate user generated content.
  • Content that violates the developer program policies and the terms of use would be reported immediately.
  • Users are required to accept the terms and conditions of the App before they start creating or uploading the user generated content.

On a final note, it is necessary for the users to abide by the policies specified by Google so that content that harms other people is not produced in any form.

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